Saturday, June 01, 2019

What Connecticut Taxpayers Must Deal With Now

Connecticut Taxpayers have woken up this morning to face another new chilling economic reality thanks to the brutal and omnipotent one party rule of the Connecticut Democrat Party.
They are going to be paying much, much higher taxes.
Connecticut Taxpayers will now be paying a 10 cent per bag tax on plastic bags when shopping.
Connecticut Taxpayers will now be paying a .05% payroll tax for paid medical and family leave even though they may never use it.
Connecticut Taxpayers will now be paying sales taxes on all sorts of services and goods that were previously tax exempt.
Connecticut Taxpayers who own pass through entity companies will now be paying a new massive tax on their earnings.
Connecticut Taxpayers will now be paying for much higher salaries and benefits for state workers.
Connecticut Taxpayers will now be paying to house, feed and give state benefits to illegal immigrants in the state as a sanctuary state law goes forward.
Connecticut Taxpayers who have businesses will be forced to pay a $15 minimum wage which will drive up the cost of living in Connecticut, eliminate profits and reduce entry level jobs.
Connecticut Taxpayers will possibly now be paying tolls in the near future as they get rammed down their throats by the Connecticut Democrat Party.
The Connecticut Democrat Party offered no cuts in any spending in this budget.
The Connecticut Democrat Party offered no solutions to the $100 billion dollars in short and long term debt along with unfunded liabilities.
The Connecticut Democrat Party offered to push down the road the funding of their high cost mandated teachers pensions to 2033 with massive negative economic implications for future Connecticut Taxpayers.
The Connecticut Democrat Party once again did not allow meaningful budget negotiations with the Connecticut Republican Party.
And once again most of the legislature did not and will not be able to read the actual budget before voting on it next week.  Nor will any Connecticut Taxpayer like myself be allowed to read it either.
And so it goes.
Connecticut's economy will further its decline as a bottom five states in the country in economic development and friendliness.
Connecticut's economy will further its decline as one of the highest five states in the country for taxes.
I really wonder why the Connecticut Democrat Party still governs in 2019?
Because in reality they can not lead or govern at all.  They again have failed the Connecticut Taxpayer.  The Connecticut Democrat Party loves to lie to the Connecticut Taxpayer over and over again.
RIP The Connecticut Taxpayer.

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