Saturday, June 22, 2019

No Tolls For Connecticut

There should be no tolls in Connecticut.
The different costly studies and economically irrational plans have not stated how these tolls will  relieve congestion on our highways nor work to repair and fix the decaying highway and bridge system in Connecticut.  The toll plan is a fools dream, a commuters nightmare, an economic shock due to the higher costs of living in Connecticut that would be created from it and another economic insult to legal Connecticut Taxpayers.
There are many questions unanswered with the push for tolls.
These include the following:
How much will it actually cost to build these tolls?
How many tolls will there actually be?  This number changes on a daily basis.
How much will the tolls actually cost and what is the theoretical discount for Connecticut drivers since supposedly our state highways have at all times 40% out of state drivers traveling on them?
What are the costs to actually run the toll program?
How much revenue will actually be brought in from the tolls?
What happens if revenues are low for the tolls?  How much do the tolls go up to per mile?
Where does the money from tolls go to?  Trains?  State employee salaries, benefits and pensions?  Will any money actually go to repair the crumbling state road and bridge system? (I personally doubt it)
Why has the Special Transportation Fund been drained each year since it was implemented?  This years budget was no different.
Tolls will do the following:
Increase the costs of living in Connecticut as the costs of tolls will be passed on to all goods and services being offered, sold and delivered in the state.
Increase the costs of driving in Connecticut.
Create a new union bureaucracy with even more political patronage jobs with high salaries, benefits and pensions to run this program.
Toll monies will naturally be diverted from the repair of the crumbling state road and bridge system and be lumped into the general fund.
State jobs will open up mysteriously for all Democrat State Representatives and Senators who lose their election bids for voting for tolls in 2020 growing the states massive management and union payrolls which will further expand the state pension crisis.
Connecticut can ill afford tolls on top of the massive taxes Connecticut taxpayers must pay to work, operate a business and live in the state.
It is a bad economic idea that is being shoved down the throats of legal Connecticut Taxpayers. 
No Tolls for Connecticut.  It will make Connecticut dead last in all economic categories in our country.  It is a horrific plan.  End it today.

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