Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Dr. Michael Goldstein For United States House of Representatives CT-4

Dr. Michael Goldstein, a Republican, is running for United States Congressional Representative in Connecticut's 4th district.  He is running against Democrat power broker Jim Himes who is the current US Representative since 2009.  Himes has been in office for 15 years now and really has not much to show in those years in Congress as he seems to like to condemn and belittle all things President Trump and the Republican Party.  His rhetoric and lack of results for the citizens of Connecticut's 4th district should not be tolerated any longer.  Himes offers little in solutions and has done little for his district in 15 years.

Dr. Goldstein offers a much different representation for this district.  His fresh ideas and common sense approach to solving problems is needed for the difficult times that have we have suffered through for the past four years from the horrific Biden-Harris administration and its failed policies.

As stated from his website: "Over the past 30 Years, Connecticut has become a bureaucratic empire mismanaged by the majority of its elected officials that continue to saddle this great state with debt while driving good tax payers and industries out of the state in search of better economic opportunities.

  I am running for Congress as I am tired of seeing the Democrats of this Constitution State not abiding by the constitution and will do everything I can to prevent the state from becoming the next Detroit.  I am also extremely concerned about rising anti-semitism and hate speech plaguing this country in our streets and on our college campuses.

I am all about protecting your freedoms. We are here to protect your freedoms as parents and your right to make the best decision for your children, your medical rights, and the protection of your inalienable rights.

The issues facing most Americans are not partisan. They include not being bankrupt from filling our gas tanks, heating our houses and feeding our children. The fact that there is no plan to address these pocketbook issues and improve the lives of our children is unacceptable. Our children need the best quality education possible not indoctrination. Parents have the absolute right to fight for that." (

It is truly time for a change in the United States House of Representatives.  Jim Himes probably has not gone grocery shopping for years now and doesn't seem to understand how our economy works.  Dr. Goldstein offers a realistic view of society and economy through his real world work and life experiences.  It is time for a change this November.  Connecticut's 4th District needs a change for the better with new representation from Dr. Michael Goldstein.  He has earned your vote on Election Day.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

The Vice President Harris Implosion (or, There Is No Joy In Mudville, After All)

I guess it was fun while it lasted. The "joy" and Utopia of the handpicked, elitist, and manufactured Democrat Party Executive ticket of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are imploding daily. The campaign, along with its simpatico “media partners” are doing all they can not to display the sitting Vice President without carefully scripted and rehearsed events. The results of those same scripted and rehearsed events are not what the campaign handlers and consultants imagined. Has Kamala Harris really been the Vice President for the past four years and is completely denying the events that have damaged our country, economy and world form her Administration's actions/policies? Is she so shallow and frivolous that her most noted “appearance” of the week was on the sex podcast “Call Her Daddy?” Is she so mentally incoherent to not explain how any one of her “economic policies” is economically viable? This is now the case, thereby turning the campaign of “joy” into a campaign of laughable fiction, if such a situation is the least bit funny.

It is now quite obvious that Vice President Harris has difficulty in expressing herself as she prates on with exceptional nervousness in what are often referred to as "word salads,” as she insultingly cackles through the incoherent gibberish she is spewing. But she has a hostile side. When she wants to seem serious, she can play a mean and condescending shrew as we saw in her performing arts debate against President Trump. At any time, Harris knows enough to play to what she thinks her audience wants her to be. Like a bad "Grade B" actress, she has used different accents, different facial expressions, different body language, different inflections, and different platforms that contradict one another, and different personal backgrounds recited to fit the moment turning her into a true political chameleon and machinator of the highest degree. At any time, her bombast can lead to a new Kamala Harris character, a character that was never the character of the sitting Vice President for the past four years.

Her accomplishments as part of the Biden-Harris Administration are recited to be endless. If one looks at these "accomplishments", one will clearly see that they have been abysmal and profound failures in both our country and the world. Apparently the following events never occurred in the fantasy world of Kamala Harris; the horrors of the now open border that has help to nurture a massive illegal drug and human trafficking crisis, a massive inflation rate along with an ever growing National Debt, a new fiscal 2024 budget deficit of $1.83 trillion dollars with interest payments accounting for roughly 14 cents of every dollar spent by the Federal government, multiple international wars/conflicts/human sufferings, horrifically botched disaster recovery, and a failed green energy policy that has done much more harm than good. What world has she been living in for the past four years?

But Harris does have the advantage of synchronized sycophants. It's sad that one thing that Democrats and Marxists do much better for their people than Republicans do for theirs is cover and provide a continual barrage of hostility and disinformation for Harris in much greater volume than Republicans have ever provided for President Trump. A tour of X-Twitter will be replete with the constant shameful and brainless hostilities of the likes of Bob Duff, Matt Lesser, Rosa DeLauro and the esteemed serial incompetent Sen. Chris Murphy. Most of these exercises in modern-day graffiti are often deranged. But they are present, while Republican push-back against the same is often soft and weak if not silent. It is all a blot on what government is in 2024, but with this amount of bile and vitriol present, we all can agree that there is no “joy” present in that camp anywhere at all for them to be spewing that amount of continued hostility.

But joy often evaporates in confusion and mismanagement. If Kamala Harris is not Joe Biden than can she explain how? If Tim Walz is not Kamala Harris, can he explain how? If Kamala Harris had no say whatsoever in the Biden-Harris Administration policies and ideologies, can she explain what she did for the past four years other than gag it up on talk shows and preach to sad and weak-willed young women on personal anxieties? Kamala Harris is a frightening example of a failed two-party political system. Her creation and ascent to run for what used to be one of the most important and demanding political offices in our country is frightening. Appeasing the ultra-liberal and socialist part of the Democrat Party through the deal made for her Vice Presidency, to the appeasing of the same ultra-liberal and socialist part of the Democrat Party for her Presidential run is an insult to our country. Whatever her background/education/experiences/political positions she has, she is just a puppet and fabrication and creation of a failed bureaucratic Democrat Party.

The handlers of Kamala Harris see the defeat and nonperformance of her campaign. The tide has turned, and the implosion continues through November 5th.

And there is no Joy in Mudville, after all.

Saturday, October 05, 2024

I WILL CRIPPLE YOU- Job No. 1 of the Democrat Party And It’s Union Partners

It is quite clear to many that the Democrat Party of 2024 dislikes economic stability and or economic prosperity, except for their chosen few. It is also quite clear that the Democrat Party of 2024 dislikes the working men and women of this country. Lastly, it certainly appears to many that the Democrat Party of 2024 has a great desire to inflict as much pain and suffering it can on these same working men and women of our economy and those on fixed incomes by their robust endorsement of the (now-delayed) strike by the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) at all of the thirty-six (36) Eastern and Gulf Coast ports in our country.

According to official accounts, this strike is centered on the apparent minuscule pay and benefits that the ILA earns. The Longshoremen are demanding a 77% pay increase over six years that will raise the base hourly wage for its members from $39 to $69 over this period. It has been reported by the Port of New York and New Jersey Regulator of the Waterfront Commission of New York Harbor that more than half of 3,726 dockworkers earned more than $150,000 a year in Fiscal 2020, with almost one in five earning over $250,000 a year. The report also stated: "Based on the industry's reported figures, the Commission has again identified over 590 individuals who collectively received over $147.6 million dollars last year in outsized salaries, or for hours they never worked." (

The ILA is led by a Runyon-esque man named Harold Daggett. A recent video of Mr. Daggett posted on social media quoted him as stating, “I will cripple you” in reference what this strike would do to the United States economy. Why does Mr. Daggett want to "cripple" us and the economy? Did we as taxpaying citizens do something to upset this "leader" of the ILA union? The same leader who owns a 7,000 square foot home, drives a Bentley, earns over $910,000 a year as head of the union and recently sold his yacht ( One can argue that he is far removed from the legal working middle class citizens of our country and economy. But hey! He wants to "cripple" us and our economy and has the blessing of President Biden and Vice President Harris along with the Democrat Party.

Curiously, President Biden has also stated that he would have not invoked the Taft-Hartley Act to end the strike in using an 80-day cooling off period, where both sides would have gone back to the negotiating table without fanfare or attention. The strike, if it had continued, would have cost our economy untold billions upon billions of dollars, and would have created a new round of inflation.

Thus, this type of strike may be a difficult concept for some non-ILA union members to support since those union members do not make an extremely high salary. Inflation is the same for these ILA members making their high salaries as compared to their much lower income non-ILA union members and for those non-union, non-special employees who toil daily in our economy. The ILA arguments of its "travesty of economic justice" are falling on deaf ears especially for those citizens of our country who have lost everything they own and worked for from Hurricane Helene, especially as they starve and die at the feet of an uncaring government. Since the ILA controls labor contracts on the docks, any innovation that could make the docks more efficient and thus lower the costs of the products shipped to the docks, could be passed on to consumers in the form of lower costs. But jobs must be justified, so that type of innovation is forbidden. The union still demands guarantees of “no modernization nor automation” to preserve these above equilibrium jobs for its 50,000 plus members and for its leaders, much like the “rubber room” strategy employed by the United Auto Workers years back, with such strategy having a great hand in the collapse of the domestic auto industry in 2009.

Of course, no analysis of labor and management relations can be complete without commentary as to what the labor and management relationships are like in Connecticut. Connecticut! A state that is owned by its public unions. A state where 40% of the state budget goes to pay municipal pensions, with most of the retirees now residing in other tax-free jurisdictions. A state where Democrat politicians marched in an Omni Hotel picket line for a “photo op” effectively destroying that picket in embarrassment, leaving labor to solve their own situation without this useless “political support.” A state where the Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz defiantly said on X that she would have “done the same (picket) thing all over again” after the Omni debacle, showing absolutely no regard for her poor plebian subjects. Connecticut! A state where Covid money somehow always ends up in union coffers. And a state where the poisoned educational unions continue to dilute and ruin education. My friend and colleague Tony De Angelo describes labor and management relations as a “board game” in Connecticut, however I respectfully disagree with Tony in that it is only a game if both players have an equal chance of winning.

Maybe just maybe in 2024 it is time to rethink and reevaluate an antiquated system of harbor shipping and commerce along with all the other one-sided labor dealings that are all so familiar to us. Technology runs our economy whether unions believe it or not. Just maybe, the Biden-Harris regime and their useless ideologies, toadies, lackeys, and sycophants could be set aside once since their regime began and put Americans and the American economy first. The Biden-Harris regime seems to enjoy watching legal Americans fight for their survival whether it has been an open border crisis, a human trafficking crisis, a pandemic crisis, a National Debt crisis, a runaway inflation crisis, war in the Middle East crisis, and much more. And comically this is the true record of all new and reinvented Kamala Harris. And, as a sneak preview King Governor Ned Lamont The Unaccountable or his successor will continue to feed the state union cookie monster’s financial demands in exchange for continuing votes. But while Kamala Harris will now cry victory, and we are now reprieved, we are soon headed for more deceptions, lies and a horrific way forward, as we will soon see a new port crisis of her own making regardless of who is elected.

Free America from being crippled by union and political upper crust and the illuminati that have ruined our country for many years.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

The “New Way Forward?” It Is To Repeat All The Economic Mistakes By Government Of The Past Four Years

What is economics? Simply defined, it is the study of how people allocate scarce resources for production, distribution, and consumption both individually and collectively. Economics interfaces with politics, government, law, and business. Economics has two branches; macroeconomics and microeconomics. Efficiencies in both production and exchange create a balance or equilibrium between supply and demand in free markets. Economics is a simplistic but complex social science that is sometimes misunderstood. And sadly, our economic system is sometimes horribly impeded by our elected officials and non-elected bureaucrats, who often exhibit little to no understanding of this social science.
Our economic system can also be viewed in respect to creating a “ripple effect” in our economy that helps to create economic growth and prosperity as I discussed with my friend and colleague Tony De Angelo sub-hosting on 94.9’s “Lee Elci Show” this past Thursday For example, you wish to buy a new car to replace your old one. You sell your old car to a person who is looking for a vehicle that is less expensive than a new car and will only cost him the $7,500 you are asking for it. He pays you with a bank check that you deposit in your checking account. The first economic impact of this transaction is fulfilled with you selling your used vehicle at a price that you have deemed to be fair for its value and the person you sold it to is satisfied with that price and with the utility or satisfaction he or she received in buying it. You, in turn, withdraw the $7,500 from your account and place a down payment on a new car that suits your needs, costing you $40,000 in its new condition. Therefore, a ripple effect starts with the car dealership earning a profit on the sale of the car and the salesperson earning income and or a commission by selling the car providing money to pay his bills for that month. When you return the car back to the dealership for service you help employ mechanics that earn an income from servicing your vehicle along with the service technician who waits on you, writes up, and coordinates the service itself. Parts from manufacturers are used in your vehicle that help create economic profit when they are sold to the dealer and retailed to you. Thus, we see economic activity via the functions of a ripple effect along with supply and demand balances or equilibrium taking place in the marketplace with you and your vehicle. Income and profits occur that help fuel economic growth. You receive utility in your new car and now feeling secure in traveling, you consider taking your family on a vacation many miles away.

It is my bet that only a slim minority of any politicians understand even this simple economic example above, but to the matter at hand, Does Kamala Harris understand economics? Would she as a potential POTUS be able to understand this simple example I just gave? I really must wonder in review of her "new" 82 page "New Way Forward" economic plan that she has just revealed. To me, her plan is warmed-over Bidenomics on steroids and gives the strong appearance of written by biased students using AI. (https://( As someone who has studied and taught economics for many years, I am frankly scared by this document as it is the usual stale Democrat Party economic gibberish that continues to destroy our economy especially those who work for a living, only this time using more spending.

The Harris "New Way Forward" economic plan includes many of the failed economic policies utilized during the tenure of her Vice Presidency, assuming she understood any of them in the least. To describe her 82 pages in more simplistic terms the “plan” consists of the usual, new and higher taxes, new and higher transfer payments, taxes on unrealized capital gains, more green energy subsidies, price and rent controls, less coverage with higher premiums under Obamacare, more student loan forgiveness, and much more in the way of a free-money candy-land. Reading the report is confusing to me. For example, from Page 9 a Yale economist using estimates from the Budget Lab at Yale and the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, emphasize Harris’s plan is more fiscally responsible. They note: “Any fair fiscal comparison shows this election is not a close call. If the deficit is your top issue, Harris is the clear choice End note #9 cites Sarin, Natasha. “How would Trump and Harris affect U.S. debt? The difference is huge.” The Washington Post. September 13, 2024. To this pap/ claptrap, my question is didn't the National debt and budget deficit grow to record amounts under the Harris Vice Presidency? Is that not factual? So how is it possible that the same basic economic policies with all the entitlement programs, giveaways, no cost loans, tax credits, failed green energy programs and loan forgiveness do not dramatically increase the National Debt to even higher proportions? Could this mysterious unnamed "Yale economist" explain this to the American Taxpayer? Or is he or she comfortable in the cushy existence of being paid by a huge endowment making prognostications without suffering any negative effects from the same?

The statements become even more unsupported and bizarre: "Unlike Trump, Vice President Harris and Governor Walz will protect and strengthen Social Security and Medicare. They will shore up Social Security and Medicare so that these essential programs will stay solvent in the long run by making corporations and the wealthiest Americans pay their fair share in taxes." (Page 69). Does Harris mean that Corporate and wealthy individual Democrat Party political donors will be singled out to pay these higher taxes to pay for Social Security and Medicare? Or will they be able to continue to lobby for their tax exemptions and breaks as they have been for many years? Does this mean Nancy Pelosi will disclose her tax statements to show either how little (likely) or how much (unlikely) she pays in federal taxes? Magically under the Harris Vice Presidency of the past four years, she was not able to shore up Social Security and Medicare but again it is somehow President Trump's fault for this crisis that under her Vice Presidency grew unabated and exacerbated. Give us all a break.

In reading this train-wreck of a manifesto, I have set my hourglass to wonder how long it will be before some of the Connecticut local politicians, understanding nothing at all about economic principles, tout this plan as the solution. My only question is who will this bold stalwart be? Will it be Senate Majority Leader Bob Duff, who will make a tweet out of it to show his hatred for President Trump? Will it be ”Businessman Governor” King Ned Lamont The Unaccountable, who during his watch has seen more business leave the state or close than in any time in state history? Or will it be Comptroller Sean Scanlon, who showed his knowledge of sound fiscal policy and present value mathematics by dividing the debt into a small currently due portion, deferring the balance as it accrued even greater interest cost, and then he was touted by the state-run media and the “bipartisan” legislature as “The Man That Solved The State Deficit.” As I often say, the Connecticut Apple rests on the trunk of the poisoned National tree when it comes to matters of economics.

This 82 page "New Way Forward" thesis/AI/Chat GPT, drool and muck, is a Utopian lie of more socialism and economic restriction for our country and is the norm for the Democrat Party platforms. Voters need to understand that Kamala Harris has been the Vice President for the past four years covering for the incompetent and mentally senile Joe Biden and they are responsible for the runaway inflation and runaway increases in the National Debt, not President Trump. The 82 page "New Way Forward" is more like the "Old Way Backwards Warmed Over" and contains little if anything "new" economically to move "forward". It would be refreshing to see some "new" economic thought such as a plan to balance the yearly budget, a plan to pay down the $35 trillion dollar National Debt, a plan to realistically cut taxes for the working middle class, a plan to eliminate Taxpayers monies being paid out fraudulently to individuals and businesses who wish to defraud our government, a plan to make health care affordable again, a plan to stop using Taxpayers monies to prop up our foreign enemies and a plan to restore our free market system while lessening the sickening 24% Federal control of our Gross Domestic Product. It can be done, but politically Vice President Harris does not have the abilities nor the background to change her failed ways. Truly enough is enough of the Democrats control of our economy and its Taxpayers.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Does Government For The People Exist Any More?

I wonder what has happened to our government.  Does our government represent you and I, the common taxpayers in our society? The past four years at the Federal and Connecticut level have seen an enormous amount of governing by fiat; executive orders on anything and everything that can buy votes and or satisfy a political donor base.  We have seen a continual disregard of law through numerous dictates from the Biden-Harris and King Ned Lamont the Unaccountable administrations including (but not limited to) energy independence, an open and unchecked border, an elimination of student loan debt, runaway inflation, a deadly illegal drug crisis, rampant homelessness due to governmental incompetence, a $35 trillion dollar National Debt crisis, a failed and costly green energy at all costs policy, dilution of personal rights, attempted assassinations of a Presidential candidate, national security blunders, and much, much more.  This is not the latest news to anyone.  Bad and incoherent decisions at the national level by a President who is a shell of his former self along with an unprepared, speech stumbling (and possibly impaired) Vice President has placed our country in danger and vulnerable to a loss of personal freedoms and war with communist/totalitarian countries.  We are in great peril at this time in our nation's history at about every level of our government.  

Again, I still wonder what happened to our government.  Many taxpayers and legal citizens feel a total disconnect with their government and questionable actions.  They feel they have been lied to by politicians who were elected to represent all people in their district, town and or city.  That is no longer the case except for certain exceptions.  Many politicians today have a clear-cut agenda that if you disagree with it, you are treated a leper to society.  One excellent example of this is the unchecked hatred by many in our government against a free Israel and the freedom of religion for those of the Jewish faith.  Another example was the severe economic destruction forced by Connecticut's government during the Covid-19 debacle.  How many lives and businesses were destroyed by the draconian executive orders issued by The Unaccountable?   To this day no one knows how much profit was made through no bid contracts by the state with companies that were owned by his family's hedge fund Oak HC/FT.  How much was it?  Who else in the political universe cashed in? And why does no elected official whatsoever join my friend and colleague Tony De Angelo who has doggedly and continually pursued these questions since the onset.

As is the usual part for the Connecticut course, no constructive differences are seen anywhere as compared to the sad and sick National scene. Last week, a labor action at the New Haven Omni became a Connecticut political celebrity show as vain and exploitative Democrat politicians were photographed on the picket line until they were embarrassed and shamed on radio and Twitter. This forced the picket to be dissolved and moved inside, thus having the laborers lose momentum and credibility as they suffered by the the self-gratifying gluttony of the state masters. As Tony pointed out on the September 17 “Lee Elci Show” on 94.9, this conduct violates every ethical premise whatsoever of the role of an elected official in a labor matter which is not to take sides. Also, there was a visit ten miles off of the state border by President Trump at a Long Island rally on September 18 that drew interest from over 60,000 people. Yet, no mention of this was made on Channels 8, 3, 30, or 61. Nor was there any disclosure of this significant event from either state political party. Why? Is Donald Trump not the GOP Presidential Candidate? If you are a Democrat, is Donald Trump not an existential threat to you, and now he would be so (so) close to you that you need to call the police you diluted and defunded to protect you from him? But chances are, you never knew about the rally as your political betters felt you did not need to know and they controlled the state run news outlets accordingly. Why? Because you do not matter. They know better. You are a citizen.  And citizen, be damned.

But wait, this all gets better for you. Taxpayers must also hear the daily unhinged rhetoric of Connecticut’s State Senator Duff and United States Senator Chris Murphy as they continually spew ignominious hatred of President Trump and all who disagree with them.  Senator Murphy is one of the prime hit men for the Democrat Party in his incoherent gibberish he spurts and spouts about President Trump and the Republican party.  One needs to remind the Senator that his party has been in charge over the past four years and owns the problems we have in 2024.  Do both Senators not realize that they may have legal voters and taxpayers who support President Trump of whom they have a duty to represent?  And don't these same legal voters and taxpayers have a right to freedom of speech and belief in their support of President Trump?  Or is that not allowed any more especially with two assassination attempts on President Trump's life?  I no longer see the Democrat Party especially with puppets like Murphy and Duff representing legal voters and taxpayers, as the conduct of fine and responsible Democratic leaders of the past like Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy is probably on the way to be excised from the revisionist history books.

Politicians can never take responsibility for their incoherent and hurtful actions as taxpayers serve our political class especially in Connecticut and other blue states.  Our government is crumbling before us with a constant stream of disjointed and muddled pomposity that we are force fed daily by our elected officials and an obedient state-run media. Your government exists now only for a ruling elite, a similar ruling elite that we broke away from England from in 1776.  The mental beating up of taxpayers is tiring and unjustifiable by its government.  That is the situation we are in 2024.  A government where the citizen is damned while the elected official reigns unchecked and authoritarian in its omnipotent rule.  We have a massive disconnect in our society with our government and its citizens.  The time is now to put an end to this disgrace of democracy.  Because enough is indeed, enough.


Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Insult Parade Debate That Wasn't- Harris Versus Trump

Apparently, there was an monumental Armageddon debate this past week between the two Presidential candidates that was anything but that. Vice-President Kamala Harris, through major help from ABC News correspondents David Muir and Linsey Davis, was able to bait President Donald Trump throughout the debate and fact check him at will. In the attack by this coordinated triumvirate, there was absolutely no fact checking on anything that was said by the Vice-President during the proceedings. The debate was a subdued shouting match that did little to persuade the voting public, most of whom have their minds made up already as to who they will vote for. Other than the egregious and improper actions by the moderators, nothing new was shown to the American public.
If one were searching for a clear winner, many think that the winner was the Vice-President regardless of the magniloquence and prevarication she spewed during the debate. In this connection, there are several examples that have been noted and should be looked at again at this time. For example, the Vice-President completely ducked the first question as to if she felt Americans were better off under her regime than they were four years ago. Later, she made the statement that “(she) was the tie-breaking vote on the Inflation Reduction Act, which opened new leases for fracking.” This, was an outright lie. Hasn't this administration fought fracking from the first day they took office? Wasn't it a fact that West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin's demanded a provision to be placed in this bill that forced the government from holding offshore wind sales unless it auctioned off a certain amount of offshore area for oil and gas? The intention of this provision was to adjust our national energy supply by continuing fracking. Furthermore, did not the Biden-Harris Administration cancel all the planned 47 offshore oil and gas lease sales that President Trump had approved? And sadly, this provision by Senator Manchin yielded only three new sales for the 2024–2029-time frame. This is the Vice-President’s anti-fracking, anti-fossil fuel energy policy in full view. Also please keep in mind that the Biden-Harris Administration supports buying oil from the Dictator of Venezuela Maduro to prop up his regime. But regardless, there were no questions raised by the surrogate Democrat administration of Muir-Davis at this lie, as they gleefully with much joy shredded President Trump for the sake of Team Democracy.

Rather than describing any one policy position even conceptually, the Vice-President seemed to be occupied solely with hostile and well-rehearsed rhetoric for the battle to discredit President Trump at all costs by bringing up “critical issues” such as the size of his campaign rallies and the many legal issues he has fought for the past four years that were engendered and blessed by the her own Biden-Harris Administration. When the viewer tried to understand the Vice-President’s stances on economic and social positions, such were either limited in nature, or in many cases not even touched upon. In all candor, the Vice-President revealed a severe lack of character by her continual affronts, barbs, insults, condescension, and sarcasm towards President Trump when addressing any opposition to her failed bombast. This debate proved little to most Americans. Instead of clearly articulating where she stands on pressing issues, little if anything was revealed. Just vote for her and you will find out then. But are you surprised? This is the Biden-Harris-Bernie Sanders playbook taken from the master Saul Alinsky in his “Rules for Radicals,” being to just lie and deny and all is justified because the cause is noble and just, integrity and honesty, be damned.

What was even more reaffirming of this twisted Democrat mission were some of the X-Twitter comments by the esteemed Connecticut Democrat leadership regarding the debate. “They are laughing at the weak manbaby” tweeted Senate Majority Leader Bob Duff on September 11. “What a broken man” tweeted House Majority Leader Jason Rojas during the debate, “Let’s Not Go Back” tweeted State Senator Matt Lesser on September 10. Typical to the Democrat playbook, none of these gentlemen made any references to policy or procedure, because there never is any such thing coming from them. Unfortunately, voters in the once-great Nutmeg state are used to this pattern of the Democrat satellite never straying far from the Mothership when it comes down to the Democrat conduct of business as usual.

Nonetheless, it is clear for this election to understand that Democrat policies of the past four years did not work, so the dictate of the Global Democrat Mothership is a resort to character assassination. Devoid of sound policy and governance, it is now a defining trait of Democrat candidates to ambush, bombard, charge and siege all things Donald Trump, conservative, Judeo-Christian or even American for that matter. The incessant attacks continue upon a President that proceeded to improve our economy, make our country stronger militarily, respected the hardworking common man and woman and has a deep love for our country when he served from 2017 to 2020. Anyone in his or her right mind has witnessed the destruction of our country from 2021-2024 that I never believed would be possible in my lifetime. We now live in a country on the brink of economic ruin with a $35 trillion dollar National Debt, runaway inflation, a “green energy policy” at all costs, unchecked illegal immigration from an open border unchecked by its Vice-Presidential "border czar", an illegal drug crisis, an abortion fixation, laws that no longer pertain to a ruling elite and the anti-Israel/pro Hamas nightmare that does not cease nor will ever do so with a "two-state" solution which by definition would mean the end of Israel, the greatest ally of the United States. This is not the America that we want, or we deserve. The Biden-Harris Administration has failed America. The serially incompetent Kamala Harris does not deserve or warrant any more time in elected office as her policies and lack of integrity and imagination have severely damaged our country. This debate if anything solidified support for the Trump-Vance Administration and a much better future for America.

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Democrat Chris Murphy versus Republican Matt Corey The David Versus Goliath Matchup of 2024

Quirky and unstable Democrat United States Senator Chris Murphy may be lonely.  So much so, that he wants to help people with their perceived loneliness.  He appears to not wish to be a Senator for life like his partner, Vietnam Veteran Senior Senator Socialist Richard Blumenthal.  Senator Murphy is running for re-election as Junior Senator from Connecticut and in a sad reflection to the state, has been a Senator since 2013.  Senator Murphy has never held a genuine job in his life, as he lists his profession as a lawyer and author, but his employment has been mostly paid for by Taxpayers as a Democrat office holder his entire career. Chris Murphy has been as State Representative, State Senator, U.S. Congressman, and now U.S. Senator since 1999.  Since the start of his “government service” Senator Murphy has not done much in political career as far as creating bills, legislating and/or helping the people in Connecticut in the view of many. However, he has been exceptional in getting in front of the media in spewing incoherent gibberish daily, leading the weak minded to believe he is an expert on anything and everything in Connecticut. Therefore, this unstable conduct and faux sense of humanitarianism makes him guaranteed to be re-elected in the minds of the Democrat Party. Moreover, his frequent game of show and tell on Twitter and the daily crucifixion off all things Donald Trump and Republican obviously make Senator Murphy the ordained Senator for Life, as it may allow him to continue his career of “public service.” This particular "public service" con game is good for Senator Murphy, as he has otherwise never held real and gainful employment.  
But since this is Connecticut, why should we deal in any kind of fact? That said, I am pleased to report that the 2024 campaign seems to be running smoothly for Senator Murphy and his Democrat Party.  Even though the election is over two months away we are led to believe that Senator Murphy has already been re-elected, his upcoming election is merely a formality, and somehow Kamala Harris also has been coronated as the new President via proxy by the Democrat Party ruling council. In a pattern all too familiar to legitimate citizens in Connecticut, the Democrat Party operatives and the state-run and biased media are trying their hardest to silence all opposing voices, reminiscent of what has just happened with the rigged election in Venezuela for Strongman Dictator Maduro.  But defying all the premises of Peter’s Management Principle of being promoted to one’s highest level of incompetence, somehow Senator Murphy is violating that principle and is contemplated as the new Secretary of State for the Harris Administration. This is the same Senator Murphy that apparently did not think anything was wrong with the past four years of the feeble and incredibly inept Biden-Harris Administration as he was a strong cheerleader for all of the economic, social, and global failures it has presided over since 2021, like the failed Afghanistan withdrawal, open borders, a new illegal drug crisis, runaway inflation, a $35 trillion dollar National Debt, open borders, rampant crime, destroyed cities, and a simmering powder keg of regional wars.  But undeterred, Chris Murphy's magic manic mantra is a cadence of gibberish repeating that anti-business policies, anti-gun policy, gun control at all costs and higher taxes will save us all. His supposed qualifications for Secretary of State are comical to say the least, but unfortunately this would not be the first time an evil incompetent from Connecticut somehow reached the Presidential Cabinet.
But what happens if Murphy loses the election? I have been criticized for stating this as apparently, he is already the winner. But what happens if his Republican opponent, a working business owner, conservative and primary winner by the name of Matt Corey runs an exceptional race this election and defeats Senator Murphy? By all appearances, Corey epitomizes the concepts of hard work, grit, and determination in a classic David versus Goliath confrontation where it is hoped by many that Corey stands up aggressively and loudly to those who are tired of being mocked and ridiculed by the stoic, vapid, and failed leaders of the Democrat Party of Connecticut.
My review of Corey’s policy package reflects realistic and useful proposals and platforms that will actually help the working middle class of the state of Connecticut. Some of his ideas include, (but are not limited to), supporting Connecticut’s private insurance industry, controlling taxes and spending, expanding apprenticeship programs to expand job opportunities, stopping taxation of Social Security payments, securing our borders, and respect and support for our law enforcement men and women. These policies are diametrically opposed to the continual gibberish of Senator Murphy. One must never forget that Senator Murphy was a spokesperson for the past four failed years of the Biden-Harris Administration and prior to that condemned all things President Trump. He has fought to get police and security officers out of school with his irrational and illogical “Counseling Not Criminalization in Schools Act” back in 2020. How useless that act was this past week in Georgia where a school resource officer shot an assailant before he murdered more people.
So, what will happen in November?  Will Senator Murphy debate Candidate Corey?  Why won't he?  A candidate will win, and a candidate will lose both in the debate and in the election. On appearance, Republican candidate Matt Corey represents a much-needed change in the United States Senate as he has served in our military, worked several blue-collar jobs, and owns his own business. He has real world depth and experiences that make him incredibly unique as compared to the decayed and spoiled typical career politicians that are constantly cloned out of the Democrat Party. Never a new thought, never a solution, and bellows of disrespect and ridicule for anyone who disagrees with them are all the standard of the "leaders" of the Democrat Party today. Senator Murphy echoes those qualities in his daily diatribes and fulmination of all things President Trump and the Republican Party. It is a bore and chore to listen to his continual venom and toxin.  
But let us be candid in the fact that given Senator Murphy’s mythic status in the Democratic machine, Corey must fight a David-like. aggressive, and outsized non-traditional  campaign in order to win, while going far beyond the litany of past Republican candidates who did nothing more than fight weak, unconvincing and muddled campaigns bereft of policy. Moreover, in my estimation, Corey must establish a bright line between himself and Senator Murphy and must be a champion for the social, economic, and most critical energy policies of President Donald Trump. If Corey is unafraid and committed, Connecticut at last could finally have some real representation in the United States Senate.
In conclusion, the possibility of defeating Senator Murphy will never be as good as it is right now. That said, I hope that Matt Corey boldly steps out of the mold of past Connecticut Republican candidates to defeat our serially incompetent Senator Murphy this November.