Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Steady Habits Of Crime And Incompetence In King Ned Lamont The Unaccountable's Connecticut

It has been a while since I revisited the crime issues of Connecticut. "Crime Free Democrat Connecticut" is a fantasy media-enabled construct that King Ned Lamont the Unaccountable and his cronies in the Democrat Party and state-supported media preach to Connecticut taxpayers daily. We see the inept and serially incompetent United States Senator Chris Murphy bellowing that the Biden Administration-created border crisis is the fault of the lack of action on the part of the Republicans. He creatively avoids any Democrat responsibility for the horrific crisis the left has created and is never taken to task for this by a lap-dog media. On the other hand, Connecticut Democrats crow that there is little to no crime in the state based on the diluted and maligned statistics they boast. These same statistics seem to show little to no actual reality as far as crime is concerned.
Do you disagree? Allow me to share a serious case in point being an amazing article that was actually published by the left-leaning Hartford Courant concerning a crime that could have been avoided. The alleged criminal Franklin Post, 35 years old, apparently sped through a stop sign in Griswold, CT and killed Charlotte Degrado, 96, of Branford, who was an occupant in the car that he hit. According to the article, Post has at least a dozen criminal convictions and has at least ten more criminal cases pending against him. He has served hard time in prison on three different occasions. He was free on bond even though he has been arrested six times since January. Inexplicably, he has had the ability to post $275,000 in bonds. ( Post also has repeatedly violated his probations, and this time fled after the accident. "Troopers found drug paraphernalia and a knife inside of the Audi, according to Connecticut State Police. Witnesses told authorities that three people inside of the vehicle had gotten out after the crash and ran away...His GPS ankle device had been tampered with, he had pills that tested positive for fentanyl and had more than $4,000 in cash on him."(

Based on all of Post’s prior convictions, violations of probation, and ostensible drug use, why was this man free to be allowed to murder this 96-year-old innocent woman by his vehicle? In a stark, staring testimony to the total lack of professionalism and integrity of the administrative state in Connecticut, how is it even possible that he maintained his driver's license? Why was he walking free in numerous violations of his probation? These questions need to be answered immediately, if not sooner.
It is evident that the Connecticut Democrat Party and its assorted facilitators and enablers have little to no concern whatsoever about public safety in the state. Spending just a few minutes driving on a state highway, or in any of the sparkling cities and inner-ring suburbs in Connecticut will tell anyone that. Connecticut is at such a state of disaster that even a prominent state legislator referred to it this past week as a “laughingstock”. Where no real and productive job creating business would ever venture to come into the state, we are instead treated to The Unaccountable’s self-serving visions of “Innovation Clusters” benefiting his family interests. But none of that matters, as more weighty issues concern the left like lowering the prison population and making everyone unsafe except for the career criminals and crime gangs that roam freely in the state as they are now coddled and protected by the left. Car insurance costs on the state have skyrocketed due to the constant theft of vehicles in the state and the abysmal traffic enforcement on state highways and roads. Juvenile delinquents roam free to steal with no fear of any type of legal action due to the dysfunctional and defective state legal system that apparently will not prosecute them. Retail store costs of shoplifting continue to climb with costs being passed on to you and I as legitimate customers. Blatant crime exists with thefts of anything and everything in the state, from being held up while trying to put your groceries in your car, from pumping gas, and even now with you a law-abiding citizen sitting in your home being at risk of intruders breaking in.

One can only hope that Degrado family takes all possible legal avenues against the state judicial system, its judges, probation officers, defense lawyers and state elected officials to expose and hold them liable for their actions for the death of their family member. Yes, it is high time that our highly paid and serially unaccountable Connecticut administrative system hold responsibility as well along with the criminal in this case for their careless and negligent attitude in handling this career criminal. Yet another innocent life is lost due to the crime spree that exists in "Crime Free Democrat Connecticut", for no reason at all except for the stupidity of a politically correct non-functioning judicial system. A system that helps to buy votes evermore for a horrific social experiment that is now at a point of no return to a once proud and productive state, called Connecticut.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Economic Cancer of Democrat-Centric Economics

I have studied Economics all my life and have taught the subject for 42 years. It never ceases to amaze me the twists and turns of our economy and how the supposed (and often state-supported) economic experts are so far off in many cases regarding their predictions and policies. Regardless of what the state-run media tries to jam down your throat daily, even the most ignorant of observers cannot ignore the horrific economic impact of the poor economic policies and programs of the Biden and Lamont administrations. The focus of their irrational and nonsensical policies continues to be an incessant death march to green renewable energy at any cost and economically incoherent tax and spend policies that persist in driving the national debt and state debt to incalculable levels. From 2021, we continue to have rampant inflation as the cost of food and housing has skyrocketed making it unaffordable for many in our economy. Needless to say, the cost of goods and services is a direct coefficient of the cost of energy, and nonsensical Democrats along with Climate Change-paralyzed Republicans continue to feed or enable the impossible myth of “affordable green energy”. And this is a costly and crippling political fantasy. To refresh your memory, our current national debt is an astronomical $34.8 trillion dollars, and growing daily. Each United States Taxpayer owes a mere $266,000 plus for this debt, while Connecticut Taxpayers are on the hook for $100 to $150 billion dollars in short- and long-term debt along with unfunded liabilities on top of that. High government debt at all levels, high taxes, regressive trade policies, waste, fraud, abuse, unsustainable social welfare programs and one of most complex tax codes/laws in the world are hindering our economy. Some things must change.

The Biden re-election candidacy seems to be mired in their constant blaming of former President Trump for everything and anything, including (but not limited to) events that happened well past his Presidency. If we candidly examine the economic differences between the two Presidencies there are stark and undeniable contrasts. The Trump Presidency offered great financial gains for the economy especially for low- and middle-income workers and people of color that saw their income and opportunities increase. Real wages rose, many jobs were created, and most of all prices were stable with little to no inflation or inflationary pressure. This all changed with the draconian pandemic shutdown of the economy. Since 2021. the Biden Presidency has delivered an incredible tide of inflation and runaway inflation with the highest increases in prices seen in food/groceries, housing/rents, and insurances of all types in decades along with massive increases in the costs of new and used vehicles. Tied into the Biden economy are the wars that are currently taking place in the Ukraine and Middle East having a negative impact on our economy due to the gargantuan amounts of aid being sent by our government. In my opinion, it is now critically imperative for voters to put personal feelings aside and ask themselves while voting “am I better off economically than I was four years ago?” I will venture to say no you are not, and therefore you now must vote accordingly.

The Biden Administration keeps trying to tell you that the economy is great, and you are much better off than you were under the Trump Administration's economy whether you know it or not! This is sickening economic gibberish as the real economic figures are showing a much more gloom and doom scenario since inflation has raised the costs of mostly everything and real wages have gone up to support the inflation rate. If you are on a fixed income like most retirees, you may be skipping meals to stretch your budget due to the excessively prohibitive costs of food. There also seems to be a disconnect in the labor market as certain jobs remain unfilled while gluts of workers are seen in other industries. The service industry has been especially hard hit since the pandemic as many former service workers left the industry during the pandemic as restaurants were forced to close (without good reason as finally admitted in 2024), and will never return. President Trump has actually offered a real economic incentive to help stimulate real wages and the service industry by eliminating taxes on tip income. This policy will put more in the hands of many lower-income workers, thus giving them a greater ability to spend, save more and eliminate debt. But rather than embracing a bold and necessary economic solution, cowardly politicians from both parties turn a high tail and run, seeing the possibility of their cherished administrative state being starved out. But what value is failure unless you come full circle? The Biden Administration brainlessly seems to be placing all of its efforts into green energy jobs especially with electric vehicles and its attendant “DEI” and “equity” quotas that are impossible to fill. The Biden Administration does not see its own attendant failure with the gargantuan number of jobs eliminated from needlessly shutting down fossil fuel industries where it now looks like few if any of these new "green" types of jobs will generate any economic or tangible return to society whatsoever.

Not to be undone, the Connecticut of King Ned Lamont the Unaccountable enjoys this Biden-esque assault on genuine economic prosperity to steroidal proportions. While connected elites prosper, dangerous and incoherent conditions in cities have caused restaurant and storefront businesses to close in staggering numbers. Taxes on fuel have accelerated so rapidly that many modest people have been forced out of their critically needed vehicles. Taxpayer paid “economic development” funds are funneled to a should-be-abolished Department of Economic and Community Development to fund elitist and speculative projects with investment potential for the Lamont family business interests. Motorists following all of the rules are in a daily fight against the State Legislature to keep operating their gas-powered vehicles. Homeowners are vilified as racist, exclusionary, and environmentally dangerous by some Socialist-Marxist members of the Legislature and their tax-dollar supported nonprofits for merely wanting to live quietly in their homes and pay their bills. But as far as King Ned The Unaccountable is concerned, the state economy is great! After all, he’s been caught on several occasions benefiting from these state development dollars providing a major assist to his related-party investments, which he never admitted until my friend and colleague Tony De Angelo first caught him. In addition, he’s been to the Middle East at least three times by his own admission (twice in the post-war time frame) for supposed state “economic development” missions where few (if any) details have been provided to the public. All said, I would surmise that the Democrat-driven economic plans are great, if you are a high-ranking and loyal Democrat.

But as we return to the baseline, high taxes, high government debt and runaway inflation driven by incoherent and economically irrational economic policies and programs should be the theme of this year's Presidential and state elections. An unstable economy led by a feeble, mentally challenged President who continues to make poor choices enabled by equally incompetent economic advisors is ruining both our society and economy. Stable prices led by economic policies that promote growth and a country's self-sufficiency are essential for our country. But soon, the childish illusions must end. The United States cannot sustain a Democrat Party-controlled economy with instability and uncertainty. Because America has the economic ability and economic resources to expand and grow. America has the know how to resolve many of the current economic problems it has, the biggest being excessive government interference through a byzantine labyrinth of absurd bureaucracy force fed to us by the inefficiencies of our taxpayer supported government. We need new economic thoughts in 2024. Boldness. Innovation. Clarity. Not name calling, bloviation, serial incompetence, shaming, gloating and lies that we are forced to endure on a daily basis. It is high time for all Americans of all persuasions to prosper, and not just an elitist politically connected ruling class.

Saturday, June 08, 2024

The Great Failed Reset And Pandemic Puppet Show

On June 3, 2024, the U.S. Senate Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic heard the testimony of Dr. Anthony Fauci (“Fauci”), the retired head of the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases with respect to his management (or more properly, mismanagement) of the Covid-19 pandemic. Even though some of the Congressional questioning and criticism was incisive and targeted, Fauci, being a skilled bureaucratic swamp creature, darted and dodged through many questions and statements that were either weak or rather were glowing statements by many Democrats. In the final analysis, only time will tell if this hearing was a springboard leading to a more effective prosecution of the fraud and of the mismanagement of Covid-19.

Unfortunately, many critical observers were left wanting after the Fauci testimony with respect to the critical questions left unanswered after the hearing concluded. Due to a myriad of reasons unknown, Congressional representatives did not sufficiently press Fauci as to where the convoluted nonsensical policies and reasoning as to the “coronavirus response” in the United States originated. For example, how was “social distancing” developed? Why were the schools closed? Who developed “phased reopening's”? How about “positivity counts?” Why was there masking and limited capacity in venues? Who killed the restaurant business? Why were there continuing coercions to forced vaccination? What was the logic? What were the reasons? Why was there gross mismanagement and errors in judgment? As my friend and colleague Tony De Angelo said on his June 4, 2024 “Lee Elci Show” segment, the vast majority of political operatives and politicians do not have the mental capability nor vision in order to devise these masterplans, so something else must be afoot. However, it is unquestioned that Fauci held himself out as the living final authority on all things regarding Covid-19 as he arrogantly held the entire country under his authoritarian thumb.

If one watched and/or read the Fauci testimony, one may have become sickened that their tax monies supported these insane, unlawful, and draconian policies which led to many needless heartbreaking deaths and a massive economic loss that America has still yet to recover from. At least some of the legislative comments directed at Fauci from this hearing that are worthwhile: “A million Americans died from Covid-19, marking one of the darkest chapters in our nation’s history. Four years later, more than 10 million Americans are still suffering from long Covid. We continue to fight for accountability.” “(Fauci), in his role as chief medical adviser to the president, insisted upon mask and vaccine mandates, lockdowns, and overstated vaccine efficacy, often disregarding the public and private medical professional’s ability to assess the facts.” “Blocking FOIA requests: It’s also curious that after Dr. Fauci was questioned by our Senate HELP committee in May 2021, the Department of Health and Human Services shut down all Freedom of Information Act requests. Was (Fauci) involved in any discussions for this decision? Why was that decision made?” Many people also don’t know that (Fauci) received two government salaries simultaneously, making him the highest-paid federal employee ever. He was both the director of the NIAID and the director of civilian biodefense, which was operating with a $6 billion budget.(”  This Senator was well justified in his comments that still are being ignored by the media and the incoherent and unserious Biden Administration. 

Did masks, plexiglass around dining room tables and bars, constant disinfecting of anything and everything, standing six feet away from people while checking out in grocery stores, lockdowns, walking in only one direction in store aisles and many other illogical and unproven medical theories forced us save lives? It is highly doubtful at best. For example, if you are reading this column now, you did not die of Covid-19. Amazing, isn't it?
Also, did Fauci have a brain trust in working his twisted magic?

Needless to say, Connecticut had its profit driven motives during the Covid-19 crisis. I have written about them numerous times since the pandemic resulted in deafening silence from all sides as a result. My good friend Tony De Angelo who initially started to unwind the corruption of these state Covid-19 policies several years ago, re-introduced many of the same unanswered questions in his segment this past week on the Lee Elci Show on 94.9 FM. Tony submitted to the listeners that the same dastardly Covid-19 masterplan was hatched in the minds of Ivy-League consultants and indoctrinated into the weaker political minds of elected officials largely serving as enablers to the festivities along with Fauci and his colleagues. Trendy buzzwords such as "The Great Reset", "The New Normal", "Mask Mandates" and more key word phrases such as “The Greater Good,” are now part of our permanent vocabulary through the efforts of the non-elected but politically tied McKinsey Corporation group. A group who mysteriously was drafting the Covid-19 protocols and manuals for the State of New Jersey in 2019 and released the same in 2020 while forgetting to change the header date. A group whose "Covid-19 Updates" were issued to many elected lemmings such as King Gov. Ned Lamont The Unaccountable and his legislative enablers that did incredible damage to our economy and country as a whole that were accepted as the gospel truth while making these same officials appear cool, calm, collected and in charge where all they were doing was acting by a script. A group that in the case of Connecticut was buried in a nonprofit organization so the public never even knew they were involved, up until the time of Tony’s radio segments. It is unquestionable that something on a much greater scale was involved in pulling the Covid-19 puppet strings, and McKinsey proudly served the governments, colleges, schools, and military in this failed fashioning of The Great Reset.

Of course, the Covid-19 pandemic was a fantastic opportunity for the Lamonts and several of their close cronies and investors to exploit the State of Connecticut for their own personal gain and profit. The Lamont owned Oak/HC Limited Partnership was a fund that made great strides and profits thanks to the no- bid contracts it was able to secure from Connecticut Taxpayers during the Covid-19 crisis marched its way to a bonanza IPO ina huge "pump and dump" litigated stock scheme, with such “economic activity” hidden in and blessed by nonprofit AdvanceCT. This organization was concurrently housing and paying the McKinsey Corporation for its services. Let us never forget that in the beginning of the crisis during June 2020, Lamont-owned equity Sema-4 entered into a no-bid State of Connecticut contract for Covid-19 testing at the opportune moment. And Oak HC/FT invested in Sema-4 which was a DBA (doing business as) of Mount Sinai Genomics. Never forget as well that the Lamont limited partnership through a complex maze of companies, (many of which received Connecticut Taxpayers monies through forgiven loans and state grants), made an enormous profit during this crisis. A profit that goes undisclosed with no reactions whatsoever from ostensibly dimwitted and unconcerned (if not corrupt) body of elected officials from either party. And somehow, the state-run media remains silent with regards to questioning these "deals".

As Tony said on June 2, 2024, this situation is highly worth revisiting since the lies of the Covid-19 are being proven for real four years later. Many did not realize that they were being governed by the McKinsey Consulting Corporation secretly by proxy, with their directives passed down through the Faucis, Cuomos, and Lamonts of the world. And after many businesses and individuals lost everything they had economically and socially to an elite power that was financed by you and me the American Taxpayer, they scored, and you, lost. With that all said and known, justice needs to be exacted upon them all, once, and for all.


Saturday, June 01, 2024

Deja Vu All Over Again Part V: The New $100 Million Dollar Connecticut Economic Bribe

$100 million dollars can buy a lot of things in our economy. It could help people pay off the medical debt that they owe. It could pay to comfort and house United States Veterans who are homeless and jobless. It could pay to increase border security and keep America safer at the Mexico/United States border. It could also be used to provide badly-needed tax credits and incentives for small business. It could even pay for a tax reduction. But in the usual Connecticut pattern of Democrats and their cronies sucking at the taxpayer trough, $100 million of Connecticut Taxpayers dollars will be handed out to the politically connected and anointed by the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development (“DECD”), this time using the new buzz word of "Innovation Clusters".

As in past periods, glowing flowery language is required in order to propound the illusion. So here goes: "The Innovation Clusters Program will prioritize funding for catalytic capital projects that contribute to the development of a campus-setting and cohesive sense of place that complement the state’s existing transit-oriented investments and incorporate a strong focus on workforce training, economic development, neighborhood vibrancy and regional stakeholder collaboration." "Other criteria for funding include: Leveraging partnerships with local businesses, universities, and not-for-profit institutions to maximize investment; Attracting and developing talent; Supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts; and Ensuring local improvements through community benefit agreements." (

If you are a non-connected standard-language Connecticut Taxpayer trying to decipher what on earth the above paragraph actually means, you may be wondering about the hundreds of millions of dollars that the DECD has given out over the years that is fully kept secret to the public and never really accounted for in a continual litany of fantasy “business development” projects, that if not highly questionable or unethical, have turned to dust. However undeterred, we now have another $100 million dollars that will be used in an identical fashion, and as an added attraction, this is an election year where vote-buying is the objective. However, the state-run media and public relations firms tell us that this funding is critical for the economic development of Connecticut! Connecticut! Connecticut! The state which has ranked last and or near last in most business-related categories such as costs, business friendliness, regulations, transportation, and the like. Connecticut! The state with one of the highest tax rates in the country having 344 different taxes and fees! Connecticut! The state that has $100 to $150 billion dollars in unfunded liabilities along with short- and long-term debt, with no endgame in sight nor any plan to satisfy the debt.

Of course, there is little to no originality in the trough-sucking of the “Innovation Cluster” prop. There is no need for any added efforts. First, King Gov. Ned Lamont the Unaccountable approaches the venue at Yale University with rambling platitudes of Connecticut being a “leader in Fintech and scientific innovation.” Yale, being an institution of higher learning where The Unaccountable is quick to come crowing about fantasy visions of economic sugar plums, but being the same place where he was nowhere to be found during the time of Anti-Israel disturbances. Yale: A place where the Unaccountable’s venture-capitalist wife Annie Lamont holds a high-ranking seat with “Yale Ventures” providing her a birds-eye view to cherry-pick any investment she may deem worthwhile at taxpayer expense. Don’t leave out the usual blandishments from the likes of the writers of Hearst, CT Mirror, CT News Junkie, and the business journals. It is the same story and the same characters, but just a different year and a whole lot of new taxpayer money.

Even a drunken sailor on leave buying drinks for an uncooperative woman knows when to put his wallet away and try his luck elsewhere. But not Connecticut! Connecticut! Where normal common sense does not apply! Where more multi-millions of dollars are handed over without ever having to account for the money that was given to Infosys Limited, Digital Currency Group and its affiliates, "ADVANCECT", Boston Consulting Group, UNITE US (CT), Mt. Sinai Genomics, "Thermo Fisher Scientific", "Sema 4", " Core Informatics", "Ocrulus", "Urjanet", "1life Healthcare", "Galileo Health", "Castlight Health", "Paladina Health", and "VillageMD"“The Horsebarn Hill Investment Fund”, McKinsey, CT Next, and Tidal River Fund. Many wonder where all the jobs and tax revenue are from these companies? Again, we have deafening silence from the Lamont Administration especially when inquiring about the Lamont-based Cayman Islands Limited Partnerships. How much money has been spent, with little to no results from it? Does anyone in the political orbit seem to care?

Again, these are just some more examples of the Lamont-DECD-Oak HC/FT recurring theme of using Connecticut taxpayer monies to prop up questionable investments made by Oak HC/FT and others enabled via the uncontrolled and secretive DECD cash spigot leading to either taxpayer-supported profit but much more often, risk-free loss. Followers of my blog and of Tony De Angelo on 94.9's "Lee Elci Show" are well-familiar with this Lamont shell game. We have both been discussing these problems for several years now with no response from anyone in either this administration or the state-run media. Thus, the new "Innovation Clusters" is the same game with the same result. Connecticut Taxpayers creating profit for the Lamont's family hedge fund and the politically connected Democrat Party. The Lamont rip-off continues unabated to the deafening silence of a lap-dog media and a Democrat supermajority, sprinkled with the silence (or encouragement) of members of the Republican legislature. Once again, taxpayer be damned.