Saturday, June 24, 2023

These Are Meaningful Tax Cuts?

 Tax cuts are usually hailed by our elected officials as being manna from the heavens.  Tax cuts are finally voted on and then presented as being thoughtful and Utopian in nature.  When there are tax cuts In Connecticut,  it is an indicator that there has been over taxation taking place and a state election is on the horizon.  In the case of the infinitesimal tax cuts that were given to Connecticut Taxpayers this year, it shows again the imbalance in economic reality for Connecticut's elected officials and for the Connecticut Taxpayers who must pay for Connecticut's ineffective, inept, bloated and corrupted state government.

This year's "bipartisan" state income tax cuts were comical in nature given the Democrat Party runaway inflation and loss of personal wealth Connecticut Taxpayers had to endure since Democrat President Biden took office in 2021.  The state income tax cuts may be summarized as follows:  A family of four earning $125,000 a year will get a $600 cut in taxes, a single-parent family with two children earning $80,000 a year will get a $300 cut in taxes, a single man or woman earning $40,000 a year will get a $250 cut in taxes, and a single parent with one child earning $30,000 a year a year will get a $220 cut in taxes.  Connecticut's Governor "King Ned Lamont, the Unaccountable" expressed great joy for these tax cuts.  Both parties commented on the importance and great tax cuts that were passed as well.  Placing these cuts into perspective, the last announcement of Ned Lamont's yearly income was a yearly total of $54,000,000 publicly or roughly $147,945 a day.  His income is not disclosed as to how it was earned as the public was not shown the actual tax return nor can gain transparency into it either.  Nor does it shed light on "The Unaccountable's" financial family benefit from SEC-verified documents reflecting interests owned in secret tax havens. In juxtaposition, these puny tax cuts in no way, shape, or form will economically help Connecticut's Taxpayers, since the unending runaway inflation of the Democrat Party rolls on unabated and unchecked in 2023. 

Placing another perspective on these tax cuts, how do they promote a more "tax friendly" state?  There was no meaningful tax reform passed in 2023.  Connecticut still ranks as a top five- highest taxed state in the country along with a bottom-five state in business and economic development.  Connecticut Taxpayers monies are given away daily in futile programs that supposedly create jobs, get politically connected companies to move into the state and to invest into companies, some of which have documented political connections to Ned Lamont's family hedge fund.  Can we draw a possible parallel to the Governor's $147,945. daily income to some of the Connecticut Taxpayers tax monies?  We will never know as that is forbidden to be seen nor investigated by Connecticut's largely obedient  and fawning  state run media.

What will you do with your tax cut for the year?  In the opinion of many not much, as it does little to offset the Democrat Party induced runaway inflation you must deal with on a daily basis.  Empty promises, a lack of transparency, a lack of accountability, a lack of ethics and daily incoherent economic gibberish is the "real"tax cut you get as a Connecticut Taxpayer governed by multi-millionaire politicians like Ned Lamont.  No more and much less.  Remember that $147,945 daily your Governor is making as you toil day-to-day being a honest Connecticut Taxpayer getting your $600 or less in tax cuts.  Connecticut's economic and governmental failures live on for another year , as it is 1776 all over again.

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