The "Constitution State" of Connecticut has thousands upon thousands
of legislative bills that are on its legal records. In the course of your lifetime, you could not actually read them all and digest what their
implications are and their collective impact on Connecticut. There have
been bills signed into law that pretty much control all
aspects of your day to day lives. There have been bills that have been
signed into law that pretty much tax everything and anything in the
state. There have been bills that have been signed into law that pretty
much were vehemently opposed by Connecticut Taxpayers but were rammed
down our throats by the Connecticut Democrat Party (think, the state
income tax). There have been bills that have been signed into law that
pretty much have over-regulated business and industry in the state, to
the extent it has moved out of the state. There have been bills that
have been signed into law that pretty much picked the winners and
losers in the state economy. And there have been bills that have been
signed into law that pretty much keep Connecticut as one of the highest
taxed states and one of the lowest
economically performing states in the country year in and year out, thereby making economic weakness the predominant "steady habit" in the land of Nutmeg.
Saturday, May 13, 2023
As 700 Bills Are Introduced In The Connecticut Legislature, State Policy Cripples The State
Saturday, May 06, 2023
The Horrific and Illegal Connecticut Democrat Party Sponsored House Bill 6410 ("HB 6410")
The First Amendment of the United States Constitution states; "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Freedom of Speech is a guaranteed right in our country.
However, in Ned Lamont's Democrat/Socialist Connecticut, HB 6410 is an act establishing a working group concerning safe online practices. The bill states: "Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened: That a working group be established to create guidelines and best practices for the reporting and enforcement of abusive, offensive or threatening harassment of state and municipal elected officials on social media platforms.
Statement of Purpose:To create guidelines that find a balance between making elected officials accessible to the people whom they serve and protecting them from abusive, offensive or threatening online harassment."(
What does the bill mean? The bill means that the penalties for "abusing or harassing" an elected official online will increase substantially. The bill means that strict guidelines will now be established on how our elected officials may become available and accessible to the citizens they are purported to represent. This bill means that a working group (whatever that means) of politically-connected individuals will be established to monitor how we interact with elected officials online. This working group will be appointed mainly by the Democrat Party majority and their progressive leadership. This bill simply means your Constitutional First Amendment rights will be limited and overturned by Connecticut's Democrat Party majority progressive leadership and Ned Lamont if they apparently do not agree with what you saying. This bill means you may actually face jail time for your comments perceived to be against a Connecticut elected official.
It is obvious to many that the Connecticut Democrat Party no longer wishes to hear any criticism of any sort from the incoherent and draconian acts it imposes on Connecticut Taxpayers and our freedoms in general, especially on social media platforms. Although HB 6410 is a direct violation of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and longstanding SCOTUS precedent, that is not a deterrent to steamrolling this bill through the Legislature. After all, laws seem to be for other people in Connecticut and they no longer apply to either Ned Lamont or his Connecticut Democrat Party. Or placed in more realistic terms, a political power that must have total control, obedience and hold the legal and financial slavery of its citizens that it imprisons on a daily basis, will now implement laws such as HB 6410.
Ned Lamont and his Connecticut Democrat Party truly do not answer to anyone. Opposition voices to their dictatorship must be and will be silenced through this bill. Connecticut Taxpayers who question their government, who question vaccines for Covid-19, who question how much profit the Governor and his family's hedge fund made off of Covid-19 testing, who question excessive taxation without representation, who question the blatant theft of personal financial and genomic information, and who question election integrity all must be silenced immediately! Why? Does stating real truth mean an end to their never ending game of corruption, profit, theft, and the continued defrauding of the Connecticut Taxpayer?
In the opinion of many, HB6410 is one of the worst bills to ever be introduced in Connecticut's history. Freedom of Speech is a legal and sacred right in our country, being anathema to the views of Ned Lamont and his political regime. Freedom of Speech must be preserved at all costs. And we see even more seeds of discontent being planted by a corrupt and incoherent Connecticut Democrat Party onto the Connecticut Taxpayers. The same Connecticut Taxpayers who truly see the charade of state government as they are living anew 1776 all over again. They are living a new 1776 in a state driven mad by their leaders disgust and hatred of freedom of any sort. Enough, is simply, enough.