Saturday, April 15, 2023

Crime Free Democrat Connecticut

Connecticut in the opinion of many, is a mess.  It has massive economic issues including, but not limited to, a massive short and long term debt situation along with unfunded liabilities of roughly $150 billion dollars.  It overtaxes its Taxpayers and is ranked as one of the highest taxed states in the country. It still lags in most economic categories, and is never able to get out of its recessionary malaise.  It has a poor business environment, and attracts no business except in the cases of a CT DECD bribe payment being made.  It has a decaying road and bridge infrastructure even though it spends a massive amount of money in supposed and/or redundant repairs.  It has serial and shameless corruption in its state government.  Nor does it have any transparency in its state government, nor does the minority Republican Party have any meaningful input in legislation or the budget process.

Connecticut is truly in a mess when it comes to crime.  I continually refer to Connecticut as "Crime Free Democrat Connecticut" due to the total denial by Ned Lamont and his Connecticut Democrat Party along with its lapdog state run media as to the severity of the crime problems that exists in the state.  Connecticut has massive problems with car theft by juveniles.  Connecticut has massive problems with catalytic converter thefts.  Connecticut has massive problems when women live in fear when they go grocery shopping and when they are pumping gas, with concern that they will be mugged and have their pocketbooks stolen from them in broad daylight.  Connecticut has massive problems with criminals being released from prison before their sentences are up and then going back out committing more crimes.  Connecticut has massive problems with its Pardons and Parole Board.  Connecticut has massive problems with murders committed.  Connecticut has massive problems with an illegal drug crisis and illegal drug trafficking.  Connecticut has massive problems with laws that are not enforced especially concerning crime. Moreover, Connecticut has massive problems with totally ignoring and disrespecting the victims of crimes.  
Why is this happening in Connecticut?  It is happening for a variety of reasons.  Connecticut's major cities of Bridgeport, Hartford, New Haven and Waterbury has become cells of crime due to years of moral and social decay.  Connecticut Taxpayer monies for many years has been thrown at these cities with little result in improving the decaying parts of the cities and in improving economic conditions.  Crime is a much more profitable way of life than working at a menial minimum wage job with virtually no hope of escaping the horrific living conditions that are found in these cities.  These same cities all have had years upon years of Democrat rule.  
Another reason has been the Democrat Party's fixation in releasing as many criminals out of prison as fast as possible.  Why?  So they can go back out and commit more crimes?  How many early released criminals have gone back and committed more crimes?  The numbers, if they were advertised would scare law abiding citizens.  The early releases granted by the ostensibly unaccountable Connecticut Board of Pardons and Parole, are astounding.  Yet, as was just the case, the same members of this Board get renominated and continue to serve.  Why? Is it to help create more chaos and stress especially for the crime victims of these criminals that are released early?
Another reason has been the Democrat Party's fixation in not enforcing laws especially when it comes to juveniles and car theft.  Liberal judges seem to abhor the laws and their enforcement that they are supposed to be overseeing.  The idea has been to merely book these juveniles and just let them go free so they can go right out and steal even more.
Are there any solutions?  Yes, there are but they seem to be too logical for King Ned Lamont and his liberal Democrat Party.   Private property laws need to be enforced in the state.    Criminals need to pay their debt to the state for their crimes.  Those juveniles who steal vehicles need to be arrested and be forced to pay back the owners of the vehicles they stole from.  Judges need to enforce current laws not ignore them and disregard them.  Victims of crime need to have more rights than criminals.  Sounds simple?  But of course it never is in Crime Free Democrat Connecticut.
What would happen if victims started suing criminals and their elected officials when a crime took place?  Would things finally change?
Crime Free Democrat Connecticut is what happens when you have over 30 years of omnipotent one party rule in a state. Crime Free Democrat Connecticut happens when there are no longer is any checks and balances in your government.  Crime Free Democrat Connecticut happens when an unchecked and incoherent liberalism rewards criminals while despising their victims.  Crime Free Democrat Connecticut is a nightmare for law abiding and taxpaying legal citizens.  And Crime Free Democrat Connecticut needs to end once and for all.  Law abiding, taxpaying legal citizens need to demand that laws be enforced and criminals be arrested and prosecuted.  They need to shout this daily.  And Ned Lamont and his liberal Democrat Party need to be held accountable once and for all for the mess they have created. 
Enough is enough.  It is 1776 all over again especially in the chaos and turmoil known as Connecticut.


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