Friday, January 21, 2022

The Connecticut 2022 Election Has Begun-Or Has It Ever Stopped Since 2018?

 The 2022 Connecticut State election has started.  Or has it ever stopped since 2018?  I know, I know Connecticut's state run and stoic media can't believe that either Republican Bob Stefanowski is going to run again and why would anyone not vote for two and four more years of omnipotent and incoherent Democrat one party rule in the state.  Thus we will begin to see a barrage of commercials on both sides of the aisle stating why each candidate is better than the other.  Pro Democrat Party media flunkies will begin to write their hit pieces on Republican Bob Stefanowski and all things Republican while giving a complete free ride for the corruption of the Ned Lamont administration and all of the convicted Connecticut Democrat elected officials and their flunkies that have occurred over the past four years.  Those stories have been neatly hushed up by the Connecticut state run media.  So it is just another Connecticut election in my opinion.

This election is going to feature all of the great accomplishments that supposedly Executive Order Governor Ned Lamont and his Democrat Party have accomplished over the past four years.  To me here are their supposed accomplishments.  In reality they should be viewed as massive failures and addressed as such.

1. Connecticut has a massive problem with crime and car theft that ultimately will be charged to all Connecticut residents in the form of much higher auto insurance policies over the foreseeable future.  The costs of this theft is kept well hidden from the public view as the Connecticut Democrat Party wishes to make criminals innocent and the law abiding Connecticut Taxpayer is now the criminal in their eyes.  The debacle called the Police Accountability Act has led to massive shortages of Police Officers in the state making Connecticut much less safe than it ever has been.

2.  Connecticut has a massive problem with drug overdoses and suicides over the past two years mainly due to the draconian measures that Executive Order Governor Ned Lamont and his Democrat Party has illegally placed on Connecticut citizens under the guise of fighting Covid-19.  Coupled with this ask anyone who had a family member die in a nursing home/center and or rehab center over the past two years due to Covid-19 if their loved ones could have been saved.  Ask them what role the medically incoherent Executive Order Governor Ned Lamont and his Democrat Party policies played in their family members deaths.  Making these homes a death sentence for those living there is murder in my opinion.

3. Connecticut continues to see a net migration out of the state due to massive taxes, poor infrastructure and the elimination of many personal freedoms over the past two years by Executive Order Governor Ned Lamont and his Democrat Party policies.  There seems to be a few crumbs being thrown to Connecticut Taxpayers in the form of cutting some taxes in the upcoming election none of which that will stem the mass exodus out of the state.  Connecticut has still over $100 billion dollars in short and long term debt along with unfunded liabilities that never gets addressed.  

4.  Covid-19 funds went to state employee pension funds, provided no bid and secret state contracts to Democrat Party allies and cronies.  What also needs to be disclosed is truly how much profits have Ned Lamont's family hedge fund made during this time frame.  How much?  Company by company.  Why was these funds spent in this manner?

This is a small list of the failures of Executive Order Governor Ned Lamont and his Democrat Party has bestowed upon Connecticut Taxpayers over the past four years there are many more examples.  And Connecticut Taxpayers need to survive the rest of 2022 dealing with both Executive Order Governor Ned Lamont and his Democrat Party and the Biden-Harris-Fauci nightmare on a National level of government.  The Connecticut Republican Party hopefully will have the great awakening over the next 11 months as in my opinion they are being handed the election due to the sheer incompetence and destruction that the Connecticut Democrat Party has entrapped Connecticut in for over 30 years now.  Connecticut Taxpayers have had enough.  They no longer will accept the spin that failure is success and success is failure.  Executive Order Governor Ned Lamont and his Democrat Party has failed Connecticut miserably.  Don't you see it?  I can. 

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