Saturday, July 17, 2021

King Lamont’s Continuing Power Grab For Cash


A crisis is defined as “a situation that has reached a critical phase”   Is Connecticut still in a never ending Covid-19 “crisis”?  According to King/Governor Ned Lamont it is so that his executive powers and authorities will continue unabated now until September 30th.  Why it was passed again by the Democrat controlled state legislature defies common logic and this definition of “crisis”.  Is the “crisis” that free cash that is coming from our Federal tax monies will end if the King/Governor Ned Lamont’s executive powers end?  Is King/Governor Ned Lamont’s completion of his first term just going to be through executive powers and decrees?  Has King/Governor Ned Lamont’s powers really done anything either to eliminate this flu and or saved lives?  Is King/Governor Ned Lamont just using children for quick cash by continuing to force them to wear masks at school when they do not need them as they are causing medical issues for many children, and they are hindering their learning and social skills?  All for the sake of getting cash that can be distributed to Connecticut’s state employee unions, no bid state contracts to the politically connected and to prop up unsustainable state employee pensions.  
King/Governor Ned Lamont’s fear based governing has been a failure contrary to what our state run media wants us to believe.  It has failed those who have true medical problems such as drug use and abuse that has skyrocketed along with a massive increase in suicides during this “crisis”.  Mental health issues continue to be ignored with these problems incredibly going away with a toll free state help number. Wave a wand and magically Connecticut because of King/Governor Ned Lamont’s executive rule and powers along with the Connecticut Democrat Party has become a Utopia of plentiful jobs, low taxes, no thefts or crime or murders, no sicknesses and diseases, an incredible public education system, smooth roads and  transparency in state government.  The reality of Connecticut with King/Governor Ned Lamont’s executive rule and powers along with the Connecticut Democrat Party has turned the state into a total mismanagement of human capital, no jobs, no economic growth, high taxes, high crime and thefts, an ever increasing murder rate, increases in drug overdoses and mental health issues especially depression, a failing public education system where our children are used as political pawns, a horrific, collapsing road and bridge system and a state government ruled by decree and in secrecy.
There was no need whatsoever to have these executive powers extended yet again.  Connecticut’s Constitution calls for three branches of government not for a King to rule.  
King/Governor Ned Lamont’s executive rule and powers along with the Connecticut Democrat Party lack of leadership has been a complete failure.  Yet the grab for cash by King/Governor Ned Lamont and his Connecticut Democrat Party is the new normal Connecticut Taxpayers must accept and be enslaved to for the rest of their lives.  Pathetic isn’t it?

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