Sunday, October 06, 2019

Tom Laffin For Wallingford Town Council

Wallingford Town Council Republican Vice Chairman Tom Laffin is running for reelection this November.  Tom is an articulate and soft-spoken individual on the council who is concerned with neither ego nor fan fare as he looks at and decides on the issues of our community.  His knowledge on issues and his ability to communicate his thoughts to the public will impress all sides of a problem or discussion. He has a desire to serve our town. He is dedicated to his public service to our town and has done an excellent job in his efforts. He is an active member in our community.  
From his campaign literature and website:
Public safety has always and will always remain a priority for me in town and I am extremely grateful for the dedication and hard work that our safety and emergency authorities provide.
I worked with Councilor Shortell to add additional police officers to the force in 2017. While we were not successful, it was something that CHANGED in the following two budgets.  The mayor and the council requested and approved the addition of 2 officers each budget year since.
I have continuously supported the requests of our of safety services departments, whether it be for special radio and computer upgrades or bid waivers on fire trucks and specifications necessary to get the job done.

Keep the taxes low.  Wallingford’s taxes are the lowest in the area.  Our millrate is lower than any of the area towns.
I will continue to vote only for fiscally responsible budgets.  I’m sorry that sometimes includes a small tax increase, but in order to have the things we as a community need or would like, those are the choices we have to make.  In order to manage our money responsibly, it is necessary. We cannot manage increased costs in staffing, education, and state mandates, while looking to grow areas of our town for recreation and services for nothing.  The town has been incredibly well managed for the past 30+ plus years so we are fortunate to be able to build off a solid foundation. 
To the those looking to score political points with claiming we can have 0% tax increases by spending down our “rainy day fund” (which is political buzz for a savings account that has money allocated for various projects and purposes) - even with our tax increases that account was spent down approximately $3 million dollars over the past two years.  Cleary, as I stated, your plan was not possible without wrecking our strong fiscal standing.
I have been a consistent defender of the Wallingford taxpayer.  I have fought to cut frivolous budget lines, protecting necessary and carefully considered spending priorities and I will continue to do so.

I have been a consistent supporter of environmental priorities in town, including: the procurement and maintenance of open space, and the expansion of the Quinnipiac Linear Trail into Yalesville. These resources help maintain our community's small town feel and charm.

I am proud of Wallingford's partnerships with various venues and programs which enhance the lives of Wallingford residents.  Through both the private and public sectors, including the Oakdale Theatre, SCOW, Wallingford Symphony Orchestra, and the Choate Paul Mellon Arts Center, the community comes together to participate in and enjoy what these organizations have to offer. 

Tom Laffin has a professional approach to being the Vice Chairman of the Wallingford Town Council.  His leadership is critical and essential to the well being of Wallingford in 2019 and beyond.  On November 5th I urge Wallingford Voters to re elect Tom Laffin.

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