Saturday, October 05, 2019

Joe Marrone For Wallingford Town Council

I am using one of my votes on November 5th to reelect Joe Marrone to the Town Council.  Mr. Marrone has done an excellent job in my opinion as a member of the Town Council with logical explanations and analysis of the issues that come before the council.  He shows dynamic leadership qualities in his actions looking at all sides of an issue and not rushing into quick decisions. This allows him in my opinion to make valid and effective votes on all topics.  He is the Chairperson of the Council Merit Review Committee.   
Being a parent with three sons in the school system, Mr. Marrone takes an active role in what is actually going on in our schools with an eye to the future through articulate ideas.  He is very active in the town with his sons and community organizations such as Scouting.  He was born and raised in Wallingford attending public schools graduating from Sheehan High School.  His active role in the town and with his children gives him an exceptional view of the issues and events that impact Wallingford residents lives.  He understands the problems residents face and works to find answers and solutions to keep Wallingford a well run and economically efficient town.
His website is
I urge my fellow Wallingford Voters to reelect Joe to the Town Council.  Vote for him on Tuesday November 5th.

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