Saturday, July 27, 2019

Can Connecticut's Economy Be Repaired?

Can Connecticut's economy be repaired?
Is there any hope for Connecticut's economy?
What can be done to make Connecticut a vibrant economy again?
Depending on what point of view you take Connecticut is a vast economic wasteland or it is one of the most prosperous socialist economies in the country.
If you are a Democrat your non stop command economy demands and laws have help to create a socialists dream of gun control, an excessive minimum wage, high taxes, a taking away of personal freedoms along with rampant illegal immigration with a more than generous welfare system.  The legal system does not pertain to you or your party.  Laws are meant to be broken.  Political nepotism rules.
If you are a Republican you are thinking about moving out of state as fast as you can.  You are supposedly always in the minority and have no voice or say in state government.  The state economy remains near last or last in all economic development, job creation and business development categories.  The state media is a feeding system for the Democrat Party thus their non objective reporting on all economic issues.
There is not really much being offered to change Connecticut's economy.  Connecticut's legal Taxpayers and businesses realize they work only to support a bloated state government whose only concern is state management and union employees salaries, benefits and pensions.  They also realize there is little they can do to address Connecticut's growing $100 billion dollars plus short and long term debt along with unfunded liabilities since the Democrat Party could care less about it.  They also realize they have literally become indentured servants to Connecticut's state government.
Thus what can be done?
At this point literally nothing unless there is balance in state government.  The Connecticut Democrat Party has been in control of the state house for 40 plus years and an almost equal time for the state senate.  It is their political rule that has brought the state to its economic knees.  It has been their corruption and pay to play schemes that have disrupted our economy and forced its citizens to leave.
Cut spending, cut taxes, we all know it falls on deaf ears.  But it is what is necessary to get Connecticut to become a free economic system once again.  Think about it if you dare to.

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