Saturday, January 26, 2019

Connecticut Democrats Love Affair With New And Higher Taxes

The Connecticut Democrat Party has a love affair with new and higher taxes.  In 2019 there seems to be an avalanche of new and higher tax measures being shoved down the throats of Connecticut Taxpayers. 
For instance tolls seem to be the new answer to Connecticut's horrific and non maintained road and bridge system.  The state taxes on fuel that we pay already do little to maintain these brutal roads and bridges.  Tolls like the state income tax is the new answer to all of the state's spending problems.  Unfortunately what the Connecticut Democrat Party is oblivious to is how this will dramatically increase the cost of living in the state.  The cost to transport any goods in and out of the state will go up as the costs of tolls will be passed along by companies to consumers.  The costs to commute to work will go up-will all employers reimburse their employees for these additional costs?  I highly doubt that however I know there will be massive exemptions written in the bill so that elected officials/family members of elected officials, etc. will be exempt from the tolls.  I am also confident that tolls paid (?) will be added to House and Senate members expense accounts and in adding to their pension estimates. 
Another example is a statewide property tax on motor vehicles that rewards the politically corrupted and economically inept cities of our state.  Property taxes on personal vehicles will some how be paid to the state and then those monies redistributed to the towns and cities.  Thus high tax cities such as Bridgeport, Hartford, and New Haven get rewarded with lower car taxes while low taxed towns such as Wallingford get to pay more.  Also included in this bill is a state wide one mill real estate tax on all property that also will be redistributed to these same cities.  Thus property taxes in Connecticut will increase.  One can conclude also that this one mill rate will go up each year as has the state income tax has gone up over the years as there is never enough revenue to spend in Hartford.
When you go grocery and or regular shopping you will either pay a tax on the plastic bags that you use and get from the store or they will be banned altogether.  This will increase the costs of shopping that have been increased already due to the tolls.  One will have to bring bags that consumers will have to buy in order to pack their groceries. 
There are other taxes being discussed along with new licensing and user fees that are talked about each year also.
The economic reality will be after all these new taxes and fees are enacted by the Connecticut Democrat Party there will no cuts in state spending.  Connecticut will still have $100 billion dollars or more in short and long term debt along with unfunded liabilities.  It will not take any actions about the excessive salaries, pensions and benefits that are paid to both state management and union workers.  It is the same stale economic story over and over again, year in and year out.
The Connecticut Democrat Party has a love affair with new and higher taxes.  They hate opposition to new and higher taxes.  Most importantly they love to see Connecticut Taxpayers suffer economically.
The Connecticut Democrat Party enjoys our state being last in all economic categories in the country so long as they can manipulate the state government to their political advantage for themselves, their families and friends.   Really that is all that matters in Connecticut.  And it has been like this since 1991.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Connecticut Liberals Fascination With Tolls

Connecticut's liberals and progressives have a fascination with tolls.  Just as they had a fascination and made in reality Connecticut's progressive state income tax.  For those who can remember Governor Weicker shoved down Connecticut Taxpayers throats a progressive state income tax in 1991 that was supposed to solve Connecticut's fiscal problems.  It did not solve any problems just increased by massive amounts Connecticut's debt through much higher salaries, benefits and pensions for both state union and management workers.
Thus tolls are becoming a forgone conclusion as a new tax on Connecticut Taxpayers in the amount of $500 to $700 million dollars more to drive per year in the state on our horrific and outdated road system.  Greenwich Democrat Senator Alexandra Bergstein has filed Proposed Bill No.102 which authorizes the Department of Transportation to establish tolls in the state.  This vague bill will allow the spigot of new tax revenue to flow freely with what I feel with be a massive amount of tolls on all the roads in state.  I am also skeptical that any of the money will be used to refurbish Connecticut's decrepit bridges and roads even with the new Transportation lock box (this money can only be used by the DOT).  Instead we will now have a Toll bureaucracy with new high paid union and management jobs that will erode a great deal of the revenue taken in.  And watch the lobbying efforts by the politically connected to be exempted from the tolls.
Millions of dollars were spent spent on three political studies on tolls that have suggested that all of the states roads have tolls - 82 different locations in our small state.  The reasoning behind this is get more revenue thus all the studies concluded that over $1 billion dollars in new revenue will be achieved by tolls.  What happens if it doesn't?  Do the rate of tolls increase even more?  Also there is no mention whatsoever of the economic impact the tolls will have on Connecticut Taxpayers and the massive increases in the costs of products, services and the general increase in the cost to live in the state.
Connecticut's liberals and progressives enjoy punishing Connecticut Taxpayers through new taxes.  After all the two largest tax increases in Connecticut's history in the past six years did nothing to alleviate Connecticut's massive budget deficits and or $80 to $100 billion dollars plus of short and long term debt along with unfunded liabilities it has.  Tolls will add more fuel to the economic recession Connecticut seems to always be in.  And they will do little to create a more robust business climate to attract businesses to the state.
Connecticut's liberals and progressives could care less about Connecticut Taxpayers.  What is next a $14315 per person tax to have every Connecticut Taxpayer pay their supposed fair share of the Connecticut Debt?  Connecticut's liberals and progressives I am sure are working on this.
Tolls are yet another burden added to all of the other the tax burdens that Connecticut Taxpayers must deal with.  And they will further drive more citizens and businesses out of state.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Connecticut's New Government-Same Like The Old One?

Well Connecticut just got rid of Dan Malloy.  Now it has Ned Lamont as Governor.  There is really not much new in state government as far as Commissioners and appointees.  Nine Commissioners got to keep their jobs, 3 Democrat State Senators and 2 Democrat State Representatives got either Commissioner positions and or high paying state jobs.  New elections must be called for and paid for by Connecticut Taxpayers, they are all relatively safe Democrat seats thus there should be no change in the makeup or either the Senate or the House.  The Democrats control all aspects of state government with the Republican Party being somewhat insignificant at this time.  The Democrats hold the Senate by a 24 to 12 majority and the House by a 92 to 59 majority.  The Connecticut Democrat Party has become much more liberal and socialistic in nature while the Connecticut Republican Party has become somewhat insignificant and will probably be shut out of discussions, negotiations and any and all things that the House and Senate will vote on.  The Connecticut Democrat Party will push for a $15 minimum wage, legalized marijuana, paid medical and family leave, tolls and higher taxes.
Connecticut has a declining population, ranks last or near last in most business and economic categories and ranks as one of the highest taxes states in the country.  Connecticut still has yet to recover from the recession nor from the implementation of the state income tax.
Yet with all of this negative news Governor Lamont basically has recycled the same people and Democrat politicians to run the state.  Why?  I really do not have a good answer other than the Connecticut Democrats run the state and there is massive political nepotism supported by Connecticut Taxpayers who truly have no say in our state government.
2019 seems to be just like the last eight years of one party rule in Connecticut.  I anticipate tolls,  higher taxes, more state spending, more short and long term debt, and higher salaries, benefits and pensions for state union and management employees (as witnessed by some hefty increases in Commissioners salaries). 
This is really the best Governor Lamont could do so far?  Why couldn't he be different?
Connecticut's new government is just the old one.  I didn't expect anything different.