Saturday, March 25, 2017

Thanks to the Connecticut Democrat Party Connecticut's Tax Freedom Day Is May 21.

Here come the new taxes for 2017 for Connecticut Taxpayers thanks to the Connecticut Democrat Party.  By the way Connecticut still has a budget deficit.
1. A five cent plastic bag tax.  Any bag that is used by a retailer will be accessed a five cent tax that consumers will have to pay for.  Supposedly this will reduce the number of plastic bags used.  As we know the Connecticut Democrat Party hates these bags as they provide a convenience for shoppers to place their items in that they purchase.  I will assume that not one member of the Connecticut Democrat Party uses plastic bags when they shop. 
2. Tolls.  As one representative stated tolls would be "all over the place".  Connecticut Taxpayers would now have an even higher cost of transportation even with one of the highest state per gallon gasoline taxes in the country. Please remember a few years back that the secret gross earnings tax on fuel was supposed to resolve all of our "transportation and road" problems we had in the state.
3. A carbon tax.  This would increase the costs of all energy in Connecticut by placing a $15 per ton tax on carbon emitted through fossil fuels going up $5 each year afterwords.  My estimates of increased costs for Connecticut Taxpayers include a 15 to 20 cent increase in home heating oil and gasoline 10 to 15 cents a gallon.  Electric costs would continue to skyrocket.  This tax would placate the global warming crowd (who apparently do not drive cars or heat or cool where they live) like State Senator Ted Kennedy, Jr.
4. An increase in the state sales tax to 7% with an expansion to many previously exempted areas.  This would allow Connecticut to be ranked back up in the top ten states in our country with one of the highest sales taxes in the country.
5. An elimination of the current $200 property tax exemption on your state income tax for certain income filers.  Thus this can be viewed as an increase in the state income taxes.
6. A shifting of the state mandated teacher funded pension system costs to cities and towns thus increasing the already high property tax burden that local taxpayers pay.  The cut is $400,000,000 which may contribute to a 3 to 6 mill property tax increase depending upon where you live.
What is interesting is that there is no mention of reforming state employees management and non management salaries, benefits and pensions.  I wonder why? 
New and higher taxes are the order of the this legislature.  More political patronage, nepotism, waste and fraud.  On May 21 Connecticut Taxpayers finishing paying their total tax bill for the year.  It is the longest length of time for any state as we rank 50 out of 50 states.  Last in the country.  Dead last.  Thanks to the Connecticut Democrat Party.  

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