Saturday, August 26, 2023

The Connecticut Democrat Party Ban on Your Way of Life

Ban everything!  Especially cars and trucks that run on gasoline. And do it by 2035 so you conform with California law even though you live and pay taxes in Connecticut.  And do it because Democrat King Ned Lamont "The Unaccountable" has agreed to it with a sham public hearing being held to supposedly show his "transparency" on this critical issue.  And do it because you must force fed the lies of climate change daily or be berated and chastised by any and all liberals for your holding of a rational and accurate belief on our climate.  And do it to remember that your personal freedom is no longer allowed in a totalitarian and depressed one party-ruled state such as Connecticut.

And given the lack of vision and perspective by just about every elected official on this issue coupled with the “Connecticut Way” of doing things, what makes one think this ban on gasoline cars will stop here? Follow what is happening in other parts of the country with bans on gas stoves and gas and coal fired electric property. The Connecticut Liberal simply wishes to control every area of your life and will throw a fit if he or she cannot do it. The state-run media in Connecticut will never report on such factual matters, as none of them paint “The King” in a non favorable light. It is simply amazing as to how business is done in the realm of the kingdom.

Do you realize that statistics of the past fifty years clearly show that gasoline powered vehicles create little (if any) pollutants and are gas/energy efficient, so how bad they must be?  They are bad because they allow the Connecticut Taxpayer personal freedom of movement in the state to anywhere you wish to go.  They are bad because they allow you, the Connecticut Taxpayer, to be able to fill up your tank with gasoline (hopefully not being mugged or robbed in Crime Free Democrat Connecticut while in the act) and drive to where you need to go.  For example, drive to work, school, grocery shopping, medical appointments, and leisure activities as you contribute gasoline taxes to the inane and inept government every step of the trip.  What a concept of personal freedom!

The free market system of our economy along with your consumer satisfaction should dictate whether or not electric vehicles will be demanded in the future and if they will be profitable enough to produce without any governmental subsidies.  Our nationwide electric grid can't handle all of these new vehicles that will need to be charged in any way, shape, or form.  That trivial part of critical mass is always conveniently forgotten about.  Contrary to what our socialist government thinks, the economy is not going to be able to absorb the massive loss of jobs in our economy due to the ban of gasoline powered vehicles as hundreds of thousands of mechanics, gas station employees, car dealership employees, parts manufacturers and others who will lose their non-state supported jobs for the sake of an elitist/socialist decree.  This is the real economic nightmare we are facing as the whiners, “think-tank” pontificators, and extremely well-paid government bureaucrats crafting this nightmarish drivel really, do not care about you in the least.

 I don't understand how or why any registered Democrat in the state of Connecticut, especially elected officials, are still driving horrific, polluting, gas guzzling, non-eco-friendly, non-green gasoline vehicles daily? Aren't they hypocrites for doing this?  I also cannot understand why the King is still allowed to travel in a fuel-consuming beast with state-paid attendants with him every mile of the way. Why can't these same Democrats just walk everywhere and stop polluting all together?  Have some skin in the game of their climate change and be role models for the world. Put up or shut up. As my good friend and colleague Tony De Angelo is often given to say, it’s simple as that, and just as difficult.

Gasoline powered vehicles should not be banned nor eliminated in our economy.  It is economic gibberish and stupidity.  People need to speak out against this coming economic catastrophe and mess and demand the accountability of elected officials to push back against the entire fossil fuel vs. green-everything agenda.  If you are a Liberal/Socialistic Connecticut Democrat who believes in King Ned Lamont "The Unaccountable" you follow him by definition towards the path of decay, destruction, and folly.  You will faithfully obey his every word.  Even if it means giving up your personal freedom so that you can truly be a pawn on the Democrat Party's path to economic and social decay and destruction.  At the risk of sounding like a broken record, it is 1776 once again.

1 comment:

Alan Shaw said...

Well said as usual, I made many of the same points in my testimony, not that I think it will matter.