Saturday, March 18, 2017

It is Time to Take Back Connecticut. Again is it too late?

As I look back at my columns written over the years I see a reoccurring theme.  Connecticut for whatever reason embraces a care free attitude towards laws, spending and political nepotism.  No matter what the year, season, law or economic issue the results seem to be the same.
The results are poor economic decisions that have bankrupted Connecticut.
Higher taxes will solve all of the state's problems.
Yet even more and higher taxes will solve all of the state's problems.
Connecticut has one of the highest levels of taxes in the country.
There is no budget deficit even when there is one.
Pension reform does not exist until supposedly 2032.
Political nepotism and political appointments run amok.
Regionalization will solve our big cities problems by penalizing well run towns and giving their monies to these corrupt big cities.
There continues to be a net migration of population moving out of Connecticut.
There continues to be a net migration of businesses moving out of Connecticut.
Short and long term debt along with unfunded liabilities are ignored.
Connecticut ranks near last in the country in all types of business, economic freedom and economic well being categories.
There is no following state laws or Connecticut's Constitution.
A voter passed Constitutional Spending Cap is not Constitutional.
Limits on giving money to the state Democrat Party are ignored and circumvented.
Voters have no legal power to recall any elected state official.
Voters have no legal power to eliminate the taxpayer funded public campaign financing program.
Illegal Immigration is embraced and funded by legal Connecticut Taxpayers monies.
Your body parts will become property of Connecticut when you die to be disposed of as they see fit.
Prisoners who commit violent crimes are released early to be allowed to commit even more violent crimes.
Connecticut needs to start all over again.  It is a political and economic mess that should alarm even the most liberal in the state.  This current legislative session again proves the lack of economic foresight and long term solutions to Connecticut's problems.
The answers to me are simplistic.  Cut spending.  Cut waste and fraud in Connecticut's government.  Cut salaries, benefits and pensions for both management and non management state workers.  Eliminate useless laws and state programs that waste money.  Lower taxes.
It is simple yet complex.  Especially for individuals who feed off of the Connecticut Taxpayer's trough for their personal political and financial gains while these same Connecticut Taxpayers are condemned by these same politcially connected individuals.
It is Time to Take Back Connecticut.  Again is it too late?

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