Saturday, December 18, 2021

What A Mess Connecticut's Communist United States Democrat Senator Blumenthal Is In!

What a mess!  What a lie! And United States Senator Richard Blumenthal did not know that an affiliate of the Communist Party U.S.A. is the Connecticut People's World Committee, which was the same organization that he got his “Amistad Award” from last Saturday night.  Did United States Senator Richard Blumenthal misspeak when he stated “I am really excited and honored to be with you today and share in this remarkable occasion,”?  Or do Connecticut legal Voters see now finally the true ineptness and stupidity of United States Senator Richard Blumenthal with his ignorance of the Connecticut People's World Committee that he received his award from?

Because isn't United States Senator Richard Blumenthal all about how many times he can be quoted and have his picture taken in Connecticut's state run media on all sorts of subjects that in most cases have nothing to do with the Connecticut legal voters that he supposedly represents.  Isn't United States Senator Richard Blumenthal all about how much he is liked in the state since he attends every event in the state and apparently really knows little about all the issues facing Connecticut legal voters that he supposedly represents.  Isn't United States Senator Richard Blumenthal all about how much he is in favor of abortion while embracing masks for students who attend school in the state.  Isn't United States Senator Richard Blumenthal all about his constant condemnation of all things that the Republican Party and of President Trump  represent while he embraces the incoherent and irrational failed policies of our current for display purposes only President Biden and his ship of fools called his administration.

We see now the real United States Senator Richard Blumenthal who is willing to embrace communism to get votes and look the other way at the blood and murders of over 100 million plus people by communists over the past 100 years plus.   Now Connecticut Taxpayers need to feel sorry for United States Senator Richard Blumenthal since he somehow got confused by his “Amistad Award” and would not have accepted if he knew what is was about and that it is from a group of Communists.  He is a liar.

This “Amistad Award” is an excellent example of how out of touch with reality United States Senator Richard Blumenthal really is.  United States Senator Richard Blumenthal shows his ignorance, his disrespect for his country, and accents his ability to lie with no remorse for his actions.  He ignores the economic nightmare his Democrat party has turned the United States into.  He is a failed United States Senator from Connecticut.  There needs to be no more second chances and no more debate on him.  He needs to resign immediately.


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