Saturday, September 25, 2021

Ned Lamont And The Connecticut Democrat Party Love To Create A Crisis To Benefit Themselves

Ned Lamont and his Connecticut Democrat Party love to manufacture a crisis.  A crisis that will hopefully brings profits to Ned Lamont's family hedge fund and other Connecticut Democrat Party members and their families.   A crisis that has no need to end and or needs to be resolved.  A Covid-19 manufactured crisis that has trapped Connecticut taxpayers in perpetual servitude of Ned Lamont and his Connecticut Democrat Party.  A manufactured Covid-19 crisis that is unique to all other states in our country.  Why does Ned Lamont needs his Executive Orders Governorship to be extended until next February, 2022? Is it that he can continue his supreme reign over the Connecticut Taxpayer for his own personal gain? To continue to force a narrative of fear down the throats of the Connecticut Taxpayer.  To force a sense of gloom and doom and destruction and death upon the Connecticut Taxpayers if they do not obey his senseless vaccine and mask orders.  To avoid the real issues of issues in Connecticut that are fiscal incompetency and unchecked, unstoppable crime and murder.  To avoid the real issue in Connecticut that there is no public health crisis due to Covid-19.  To extended Ned Lamont's Executive Orders at this time of a manufactured Covid-19 crisis is both unethical and morally corrupt.  To force the children of Connecticut to be forced to wear masks is both unhealthy and contributing to the destruction of our future generations.  Future generations of children who will be suffering excessive mental and physical disorders along with social adjustment problems.  Also why are they forcing students to accept critical race theory and other nonsense in their masked up classrooms?  What happened to all the small businesses that were forced to close down and never to reopen again?  All for the sake of personal financial gain for the Lamont Administration and the Connecticut Democrat Party.

But who really cares since it seems that the only issue in Connecticut is to continue to prop up the lies and deceptions of the Lamont Administration and the Connecticut Democrat Party in conjunction with a paid off state run media.  The brazen nature that the Lamont Administration and the Connecticut Democrat Party have destroyed Connecticut should sicken Connecticut Taxpayers.  And I believe Connecticut Taxpayers have reached their breaking point and have had enough of the rhetoric of the Lamont Administration and the Connecticut Democrat Party.

The Covid-19 crisis 19 months later never seems to end.  Just keep flattening the curve of what? There seems to be a constant narrative being shoved down the throats of Connecticut Taxpayers and the children of the state which is fear and death from Covid-19.  The narrative of do as the Lamont Administration and the Connecticut Democrat Party says or face the consequences of the losses of personal freedom since you refuse to follow its illegal mandates.   And forget about crime, theft, murders, suicides and drug abuse in the state, that is completely ignored by he Lamont Administration and the Connecticut Democrat Party.

Is this really Connecticut?   I guess it is as the Lamont Administration and the Connecticut Democrat Party love to manufacture a crisis for their personal gain.  The time is long overdue to stop this rape of both personal freedom, Connecticut's children, and Connecticut Taxpayers.   There is no longer a crisis.  The crisis is in Connecticut's government and their total disregard for ethics and the Constitution of the state they supposedly govern.  It is 1776 all over again.  

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Connecticut Taxpayers Must Fight For Their Freedom

 When will the nightmare end for the citizens of Connecticut?  When will freedom be allowed again in what was the former "Constitution State"?  When will the state run media report on something other than the cases of Covid-19, the endless illegal restrictions being placed on the state's citizens to work and travel and the number of both vaccinated and non vaccinated people in the state?  What does this information prove to Connecticut Taxpayer?  Anything of significance?  When will the state run media ever investigate the corruption of the Ned Lamont family run hedge fund with all of its shadow companies that have been successful in profiting from Covid-19?  When we there be real questions as to why Ned Lamont needs to continue to govern via Executive Orders when most states have resumed normal government and governing bodies?  Has his Executive Order approach to Covid-19 eliminated all cases of the virus in the state?  Has his Executive Order approach to Covid-19 brought businesses back to the state and or create the workers needed to fill the large amount of jobs that are going begging in the state?  Has his Executive Order approach to Covid-19 help to allow supply and demand to fall back to normal in the state's supply chain?  Or are we still seeing massive shortages of goods in many areas of the economy?  Has his Executive Order approach to Covid-19 allowed landlords in the state to collect the millions of dollars in back rent from tenants who have not paid their rent in almost two years?  Why must landlords register with yet another Lamont shell company to get their rental money that they are legally entitled to?  Would the Ned Lamont family run hedge fund accept not being paid for their rental properties in this same manner and be forced to register with a state agency for their money?  I highly doubt it. 

Or in reality has his Executive Orders lined the pockets of the Ned Lamont family run hedge fund to the point of no going back to a "normal" way of life in the state since it will hurt the Governor and his family financially through the loss of no bid Connecticut Taxpayer funded contracts for his shell hedge fund companies and other assorted business entities that they are able to profit from?     Why bother with any more freedom of any sort in the state?  Connecticut Taxpayers need to get use to getting a weekly Covid-19 test developed by a Ned Lamont family run hedge fund company to travel anywhere in the state, to go to work, and or to go to a store to buy food and or any supplies.    Connecticut Taxpayers need to get use to a vaccine passport developed by a Ned Lamont family run hedge fund company to travel anywhere in the state, to go to work, and or to go to a store to buy food and or any supplies.  In other words your freedom is meaningless when its comes the Ned Lamont family hedge fund's profits.  The brazen elimination of personal freedom in Connecticut gives new meaning to an old saying "people over profits" especially when the public be damned attitude of the Ned Lamont family run hedge fund is getting the profits over the people of Connecticut.

Connecticut Taxpayers must fight every minute for their freedom.  The enslavement for the past 20 months by a illegal and inept executive order ruler needs to end now.  The seeds of economic discontent have been sown day in and day out by our ruthless leaders in Hartford.  Ned and company's game needs to end.   Maybe now freedom's actions will speak louder than the stale rhetoric of a profit hungry Governor and his politically connected mob.


Saturday, September 11, 2021

Is This Really Connecticut I Am Talking About?

 I know I normally write weekly about the constant corruption of Connecticut.  Believe me there is a great deal to write about whether is the secret no bid contracts of Ned Lamont's family hedge fund, the same Lamont's family hedge fund making taxpayer funded profit off of Covid-19, the now accepted dictatorial executive order powers of Ned Lamont,  the decline of public education due to critical race theory being shoved down students throats while they are wearing their suffocating masks, to a bankrupt public employee pension system that ranks in the bottom five for being funded in the country, rampant murder and crime in the Democrat controlled cities along with never ending car thefts due to a lack of law enforcement due to Democrat passed state laws, properties owned by landlords who no longer get paid for rent nor are able to evict their non paying tenants who in some cases have destroyed their properties unless they are approved by a Ned Lamont made up state agency, to the economically irrational TCI  climate initiative mandated tax on energy just to name a few.  I am sickened already by what I just wrote.  Can this really be Connecticut I am talking about?  Sadly it is even though the now complacent state run media bought off with state contracts will only talk about approved news stories such as Covid-19 and how the state's economy is improving thanks to Ned Lamont and the Connecticut Democrat Party and if you wear your mask you are following state orders.

I wonder why Connecticut taxpayers must continue to fund this nightmare their state has turned into?  Why is the Connecticut state constitution now discarded and the rule of law it represents be allowed to be trampled on by Ned Lamont and the Connecticut Democrat Party?  And why nothing can be done about it?  Is the rule of law no longer applicable to Connecticut? Why has personal and economic freedoms been taken away from both Connecticut taxpayers and our public school children to fight a flu that was supposed to be effectively dismissed in a 15 day period when apparently "flatten the curve" was happening?  Is personal and economic freedoms bad for Connecticut's citizens and its most vulnerable citizens?  Why are Connecticut's most vulnerable citizens such its senior citizens and its school aged children treated as being as useful as a plastic disposable bag?  The same bag that is illegal today for whatever socialistic reason that was made up to ban it.  Why is crime encouraged especially car theft due to an insane law protecting the "rights" of criminals and to de-fund our police departments?  

Is this really the Connecticut that I am talking about?  It is.  It is the real Connecticut.  A state whose ruling political elite fear no laws or crimes as their lies are viewed as the truth while the truth has become one big lie.  A state whose taxpayers are now the sheep being led to the slaughter while the ruling political elite laugh at the constraints they have trapped them into.  A state who at one time was considered the "Constitution State" no longer since there is no state constitution that needs to be governed by.  A state drowning in its own $150 billion dollars of short and long term debt along with unfunded liabilities who soon will no longer be able to borrow money to cover its debt.  But who really who cares about all of this?  Surely not Ned Lamont and the Connecticut Democrat Party.  

Connecticut can not go down without a fight as there is a handful of brave conservative columnists, radio show talk hosts and Republican State Senators and State Representatives who question this unrelenting rape of the Connecticut taxpayer and its most vulnerable citizens.  They are the new "colonists" who must take back the state just as our ancestors took the state back from England in the 1770's.  They are the new risk takers-taking a risk to seek and provide the proof of the constant corruption of this state on a daily basis.  They work with no profit motive.  They are true heroes in the battle for Connecticut.   I prefer to see a free Connecticut again not the real Connecticut I just wrote about.  I hope I can see it again one day.  And I think you do too.  Oh, yes-Free Connecticut-I hope it is not too late. 

Saturday, September 04, 2021

Why Are Connecticut's Masked Students Being Used As Political Pawns? Unmask Them.

 I thought child labor was eliminated.  In our past history children were used as labor during the Industrial Revolution because children provided cheap labor, they were small thus they were able to fit into places adults could fit into to do work and were plentiful.  In 2021 I can see Connecticut's children in the same type of atmosphere not being used as labor but as political pawns with regards to the never ending Connecticut fear mongering Covid-19 crisis.  That same crisis that King Ned Lamont and his Connecticut Democrat Party along with his  $72,000,000 state media spin contract that gives him a compliant state run media claiming that he needs yet another 90 days of his Executive Order powers to continue to combat this profitable Covid-19 crisis for Connecticut's elite few and his family's hedge fund.

Connecticut's children are still forced to wear a mask in school due to the constant fear mongering and hysteria that is now a given with the never ending Covid-19 crisis.  I personally see a grave destruction of the children in the state along with massive long term medical and psychological problems taking place in the future due to this mask mandate.  A phobia of showing ones faces in public along with a lack of  normal personality and cognitive development will be assured from this senseless policy.  What about children with hearing and speech impediments?  What about children with learning disabilities? These policies truly makes Connecticut's children the new political pawns in the game called Covid-19.  

I also find interesting that some schools will now offer mask "breaks".  So now students get a mask break?  I thought if any part of their faces were exposed in a seven hour day that Covid-19 would somehow attack them?  But it is now ok to reward students by allowing to breathe normally and see their fellow classmates without masks for short periods of time.   It kind of reminds me of child labor of the late 1800's and early 1900's.  But I must also remember that Connecticut's children are a logical choice to be brainwashed by both a horrific politically correct curriculum along with a show of force by Administrators for forced mask wearing.  It truly defies logic.  

I can't help but wonder when all of this madness will end for Connecticut's children and their parents.  In a society that encourages and has taxpayers monies pay for abortions, allows illegal immigrants to come into our country unchecked with no Covid-19 tests or vaccines or health checks along with a total disregard for the development of natural immunity to the Covid-19 virus, we see a complete disregard for the physical and mental well being of society especially our children.  I know if I had a child in public schools today I would pull them out and home school them.  Then I would ask for a tax rebate from the Connecticut town or city I lived in since I no longer am using nor wish to use their public schools.  In other words de-fund them.  I think Connecticut's parents and children have had enough.

It sickens me to see our children be used as political pawns in Connecticut.  Can anyone take notice of this debacle and correct it? Or is history repeating itself yet again?  Unmask our kids today before it is too late.