Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The List Of Corrupt Connecticut Politicians Continues

The list of corrupt Connecticut politicians continues. It seems like there are more Democrats this time than Republicans. I guess there is nothing wrong with getting your house fixed for free if you are Hartford Mayor Eddie Perez. Obviously the contractor who did the work expects more of the city's work in return. Not a bad trade-off. Senator Chris Dodd still can not come clean about his sweetheart mortgage deal with Countrywide. Yet he can dictate to the private sector what they can or can not spend money on. Oh yeah and also write a bill to help Countrywide at the expense of taxpayers. How about Judge Curtissa Cofield and her vulgar racial remarks to the State Police? What is she going to get? Will she get to keep her job by taking some drunk driving classes? How can she actually sit in a court of law anymore? How about State Representative Brian O'Connor and his special drunk driving classes? State Senator Tom Gaffey has for years been unethical, his latest effort of double billing the state just a another notch in his personal level of corruption in his office. Why would you want Gaffey to represent you anymore? Jim Amann and his sweetheart deal with Chris Donovan went sour, but what other private deals were made which impair the ability of the Speaker of the House to actually lead? How does either one have any credibility or ethics anymore?
In all of these instances and countless others we see the lack of ethics by members of the Democratic party in Connecticut. We know if any of these politicians were Republicans they would immediately be ripped apart. How much longer do we as taxpayers have to support this mockery of government? Is the Democratic party in Connecticut ever going to clean up their act and have ethics?


Unknown said...

What are you talking about? Connecticut has had it's share of Republican corrupt officials. How long have you lived in Connecticut? john Rowland, and we can't forget Philip Giordano. It's bad enough to accept bribes and steal from the state but Mr. Giordano molested a bunch of little girls.

Bob Swick said...

At least Rowland resigned and Giordano is in jail. Taxpayers will be supporting the corrupt Chris Dodd for the rest of his life-great comparison. Oh and by the way I am life long Conservative Connecticut resident.