Sunday, June 29, 2008

Why Wallingford Does Not Need Charter Revision.

Wallingford does not need charter revision. If you happen to be around town you see several individuals trying to get signatures to form a committee and have voters vote to change the charter of our town. I was approached twice by former Democrat Geno Zandri to sign the petition at both the town wide electronics recycling day and yesterday at the recycling center. I was amazed to see him at both places and concerned that voters who were signing the petition really did not know what they were signing.
In my opinion all charter revision is, is a way for the Democratic party in town to strip power from Mayor Dickinson and make him a ceremonial Mayor. This would force the town to hire a Town Manager and watch the politics fly. The Democrats and a few in town can not find an effective way to try to get rid of Mayor Dickinson. They fail to run good candidates (look at how many votes Geno Zandri lost by when he ran), they fail to come up with new ideas. No it is always the same, the chronic complaints of how bad Dickinson is and how bad he runs the town. Politically they should see the light, Mayor Dickinson is a non egotistical, powerful leader who puts Wallingford above his personal self interests. Why does he win by such a large vote count each election?
Maybe those fighting for charter revision should do the same like the Mayor.

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