Saturday, February 19, 2022

Why Does The Connecticut Democrat Party Like To Rip-Off Connecticut Taxpayers?

 I wonder why the Connecticut Democrat Party likes to rip-off Connecticut Taxpayers?  Scandal after scandal, time after time we see our elected officials especially in the Connecticut Democrat Party ripping Connecticut Taxpayers off for their advantage.  For over 30 years now.  Whether it is profits made off of no bid state Covid-19 contracts, a  lack of delivery for items paid for by these same non bid state Covid-19 contracts, profits made by Sema-4 tests and testing, the actual number of political patronage state jobs that were given to Connecticut Democrat Party friends, donors and family members since the Malloy/Lamont dictatorships began, and last but not least how much did the Director of the Connecticut office of School Construction Konstantijnos Diamantis receive for his strong arm tactics in his apparent steering of contracts for these same school projects he oversaw-how much did the Connecticut Taxpayer get ripped off in total?  How incompetent is Ned Lamont that he had no idea whatsoever what his good fried Diamantis was doing with these school building projects?  Are these examples a reason why Connecticut has a $62500 per person debt tax they are facing in the future?  Are these examples as to why Connecticut is last or near last in many economic categories and has one of the highest tax rates in the country?  Sadly the rip-offs, scandals and examples are never ending by the Connecticut Democrat Party.

The festive mood of ripping off the Connecticut Taxpayer by the Connecticut Democrat Party should sicken everyone in the state.  It should also bring about a daily condemnation by the Connecticut Republican Party leaders and leadership.  It should be questioned by law officials and organizations like the FBI and Department of Justice if they still are functional in upholding the rule of law (whatever that means today).  I thought Connecticut had a power hungry, ego driven and aggressive law enforcing Democrat State Attorney General who obviously has turned a blind eye to what has and is happening in the state that is illegal.  Does he understand what laws are or are they no longer applicable to the Connecticut Democrat Party?  He is no longer competent to serve in office and needs to resign.  Could it be the Connecticut Democrat Party is above the law and or the rule of law or the State Constitution does not apply to them so they can continue their racketeering and rip-off of Connecticut Taxpayers?

This is the record that the Connecticut Democrat Party is running for re-election on in 2022.  It is not the record that the record that the Connecticut Republican Party is running on.  How anyone in the state run media could confuse these records is beyond me.  Please spare Connecticut Taxpayers the lies and untruths that we will be force fed to voters day in and day out for the election.  They are all lies.  The Connecticut Democrat Party no matter how they wish to spin it have been ripping Connecticut Taxpayers off for years now.  Their failed policies have helped make Connecticut a state of little ethics, high crime, high debt, corruption and lies.  Is this really the state you wish to work and live in?  I would assume that it is not.  It is time for politicians and the Connecticut Democrat Party to stop ripping off Connecticut Taxpayers.  It is time for truth and the rule of law to be what Connecticut's Government is and will be after the supposed election in November, 2022.  It is time to say goodbye once and for all to the irrational and incompetent Connecticut Democrat Party and their hacks this election.

1 comment:

No, it's not ok... said...

Nice thoughts Mr. Swick, I completely agree but this is CT and we put them back in office every time and more likely than not will do it again.