Saturday, September 19, 2020

Why Is Capitalism Wrong In Connecticut?

Capitalism in its various definitions can be defined as an economic system where the factors of production are owned by private owners who in turn produce goods and services that are demanded by consumers in a free market system.  Individuals sell their labor services to be employed for free market wages and benefits.  This free market system is not controlled by the state and or federal, state or local governments in theory.  This free market system through this meeting of buyers and sellers helps to create economic activity that produces consumer goods and services, income for both employees and employers along with economic and accounting profits that help drive more economic activity to the free market system.  Our nation's economy is driven by businesses both small and large to make this free market system work and help to create one of the greatest and prosperous economies in our world today.  The opposite of Capitalism is Socialism.  Socialism has failed our world miserably for many years now.  In Socialism government and or the state control all activities. 

In Connecticut one has a very difficult time in understanding how our capitalistic system works.  It looks and feels more like Socialism.  Since the great pandemic lock down in March, 2020 when our state government and state legislature ceded control of all aspects of our economy illegally to Ned Lamont and his political friends and consulting groups, these individuals were allowed to make all decisions in our economy from where we can travel, where we can buy food, whether we can go to work or not, that we must cover our faces or face fines, etc.  And there seems to be few if any new signs in the near future that Capitalism will be allowed to function normally either as Ned Lamont and his political friends and consulting groups will continue to run Connecticut with an iron fist according to the supposed threats of Covid-19 in the state.  All in the name of keeping the state healthy?  Or all in the name of Socialism?

I find great irony in this situation as Ned Lamont and his wife's hedge fund, his hedge fund companies such as Sema-4 and many others, his political friends and consulting groups are all profiting by the end of a free market economy and Capitalism in Connecticut and a rush to Socialism.  The Lamont family in theory have all benefited by Capitalism in their various companies they have owned and operated over the years through great profits being earned.  Many of these same profits one can argue has helped to finance Lamont's political campaigns and his buying of the Governorship in the last election.  Thus apparently is perfectly acceptable for Ned Lamont and his political friends and consulting groups to utilize capitalism for profit but it is wrong for anyone else to utilize it today in the guise of Covid-19 prevention.  Many small and medium sized businesses have shut down for good due to Lamont's draconian Executive Orders.  Lamont apparently enjoys picking the winners and losers in Connecticut's new Socialism based economy especially when his family's hedge fund can profit from it.  This is hard to understand especially for those individuals who have lost their life's savings and businesses who have lost their life's work due to Ned Lamont and his political friends and consulting groups who dictated to them to shut down since March.  

Ned Lamont and his political friends and consulting groups have no end game to re open the state and or eliminate the daily fear they cast upon the state through their stale rhetoric about the Covid-19 virus.  They seem to be enjoying destroying Connecticut's economy.  My only hope is that voters in November remember that Capitalism drives our economy not Socialism and not Ned Lamont and his political friends and consulting groups.  The Connecticut Democrat Party led by Ned Lamont once again proves its incompetence in understanding how our economy works, why people work, why businesses operate, why supply and demand in essential to the state.  Connecticut should not be a Socialistic spoils system for Ned Lamont and his political friends and consulting groups.  Enough is enough.

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