Saturday, February 15, 2020

Why Cut Connecticut State Spending?

Why cut Connecticut state spending?
I mean why?
Why is it necessary?
Connecticut has only $140 billion dollars in short and long term debt along with unfunded liabilities.  A staggering figure for a state as small as Connecticut.  If the state does not spend its bloated budget for seven years straight it would pay off this debt but would not have one cent to feed the political trough known as our state government.
Connecticut continues to lag behind the rest of the country in economic development, economic growth, job creation, new business development and business friendliness along with having the highest property taxes and state taxes in the country.  It continues to be a bottom five rank in most if not all economic categories.
Why cut Connecticut state spending?
I mean why?
Why is it necessary?
This short legislative session is more of the same increases in taxes, increases in spending along with new laws to take away legal Connecticut residents freedoms.  The biggest new tax, a socialist's dream is the full implementation of tolls first for trucks and then for cars.  The new toll tax will further cement Connecticut's economic nightmare of more population losses, more businesses moving out of state, more taxes and a much higher cost of living for the legal working middle class.  The new toll tax should make Connecticut rank 50 out of 50 in all economic categories in the near future while doing nothing at all to repair or maintain the road system in the state. More lies by the Connecticut Democrat Party in the face of massive opposition to this new toll tax.
There is a simplistic solution to Connecticut's economic debt and chronic budget deficits.
Cut spending.
It is a simplistic approach that never is spoken in Hartford.  An across the board cut in salaries, benefits and all state agencies budgets from 2% to 10%.  There is no longer any justification for the excessive salaries, benefits and pensions that are being paid out to state commissioners and state union and management workers.  As a taxpayer I can not see either efficiencies nor the value of overpaying these state workers?  Have they streamlined any processes?  Have they found ways to save money in their departments?  Will any procedures be developed to make their departments more user friendly to Connecticut Taxpayers?  Why are their budgets increased yearly?  What are the economic justifications?
Instead we have more of the same inefficient, bloated state bureaucracy and political nepotism in place in our state government.
Cutting state spending and making state spending more efficient is critical to getting Connecticut back on track economically.  However with the bunch of political losers and hacks who govern us we will never see it.   Cutting state spending and making state spending more efficient would start to attract new businesses without state government corporate welfare that is so well known in Connecticut and does nothing to create jobs or tax revenues.
Connecticut Taxpayers need to demand cuts in spending in the areas that I stated earlier.  It will be the only way for Connecticut to survive economically.  By the way, NO TOLLS either.  That is another lie force fed to us by the Connecticut Democrat Party.
Cut state spending today.

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