Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Keep The Debt Flowing, Taxpayers That Is The Name Of Hartford's Omnipotent One Party Rule's Game!

Keep the debt flowing, keep the debt flowing, taxpayers that is the name of Hartford's Omnipotent One Party Rule's Game!
And it is a game all right!
Played with taxpayer's monies and jobs!
The State Constitution is a worthless piece of paper meant to be viewed anyway Hartford's Omnipotent One Party Rule wishes to. 
Now for taxpayers there really is no State Constitution Spending Cap nor ever has been one. 
Now for taxpayers more mandated budget items will magically disappear into the black hole of even more long lasting long term unfunded debt.  Last count if anyone cares $80 billion dollars and growing.
Now for taxpayers Hartford's Omnipotent One Party Rule new budget makes another $4 billion dollars of spending go away magically off budget.  Thus they are under the State Constitution Spending Cap that they do not believe in nor feels that it actually exists.  What a farce of state government!  And spending still is increasing in this new state budget.  
Hartford's Omnipotent One Party Rule has blatant disregard for a spending cap that was voted for by voters in 1992 as a legal Constitutional Amendment-the vote is null and void in 2015.  How can this vote be rescinded like that?
Maybe Connecticut's taxpayers should start moving paying their state taxes off budget, not pay them at all and emulate their supposed elected officials.  Isn't that fair?  Why would it not be?
Keep the debt flowing, keep the debt flowing, taxpayers that is the name of Hartford's Omnipotent One Party Rule's Game!
And it is a game all right!
Played with taxpayer's monies and jobs!
Wow what an unconstitutional power grab-done with taxpayers monies.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Silence Is Golden Especially If You Are Bankrupt

Silence is golden.  It is peaceful.  Especially if you are bankrupt.  Our state government in my economic opinion is economically and morally bankrupt.  Long term debt keep rising and it seems to most taxpayers that the bulk of Connecticut's budget goes to salaries, benefits and pensions.   Roads are in disrepair, bridges crumbling, judges receive full pensions after three years of work, corporate welfare is rampant, the list seems endless as to Connecticut's economic demise.  And Dannel Malloy and Hartford's Omnipotent One Party Rule seem completely oblivious to the economic ruin and demise they have created in Connecticut during their reign.
We are bankrupt in our state.  We continue to push off the real economic issues of excessive state spending that is non productive and basically is spent nurturing a ruling elite that enjoys at taxpayers expense high wages, great benefits and fully funded pensions that no longer exist in private industry.
We are bankrupt in our state.  Taxpayers continue to move out and businesses have no reason to move to Connecticut.  We are last in many economic categories. It is pathetic to see this happening.
The state Republicans have put forth a budget that actually examines the issues of state spending and more importantly looks at salaries, benefits and pensions for state employees.  But to me it is only a starting point to reconnect economic reality to our bloated state government.
Silence is golden-the Republicans have made the first move.  Too bad Dannel Malloy and Hartford's Omnipotent One Party Rule can not govern nor put forth a real state budget.  The economic crisis here is real and taxpayers have had enough.
Dannel Malloy and Hartford's Omnipotent One Party Rule silence is deafening to taxpayers-those who remain.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

What Can $2 Billion Dollars Buy? Or For That Matter $2.5 Billion Dollars?

What can $2 billion dollars buy?  Or for that matter $2.5 billion dollars buy?
The coronation of Hillary Clinton for President has begun and reports are that she will raise $2.5 billion dollars for her campaign.  And one could ponder what $2.5 billion dollars could buy in our economy?
Could that money help college students struggling to find work and pay off their college loans?
Could that money help students pay for their expensive textbooks?
Could that money help people who can't afford their medical bills?
Could that money help people who need affordable rents and or housing?
Could that money be used to help educate citizens who need functional jobs skills in order to gain employment, be productive and leave governmental welfare programs?
Could that money be used to  repair our failing public road system?
Can you just imagine what could be done with $2.5 billion dollars in our society?  Or $5 billion dollars?  Or even $10 billion dollars?  I really wonder what the 2016 Clinton Presidential campaign will cost our economy?
The voters obviously will not benefit from this spending.  Highly paid campaign professionals and managers, consultants, the biased media and some printers will benefit from these monies.
And most importantly the Clinton machine will use $2.5 billion dollars to somehow convince voters that somewhere and somehow, Mrs. Clinton is qualified to be President. 
We are led to believe that the Clintons are average hard working people who are non egotistical and just like you and I.
We are led to believe that the Clintons worked very hard through the gifts they received to their foundation and the speeches they made that they are entitled to their simplistic and minimalist life style they apparently have.
It will be a long and brutal campaign.  And just think of what that money that is going to be spent could do for our society instead of where and who it will be going to.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

More Connecticut Higher Education Cuts-Students Will Continue To Pay More And More

I wonder if any of our state elected officials have walked into a state college or university classroom lately?  I also wonder when the last time was when any high ranking Connecticut education bureaucrat went into one of the classrooms they oversee and govern?  I wonder when the last time was when either any of our state elected officials or high ranking Connecticut education bureaucrat talked to any students or adjunct faculty members of our state higher education system?
I wonder this based upon the massive cuts in the higher education system directed right at the student who can least afford it. 
The same student who tells me each semester their financial aid is delayed and they can not afford to buy the textbook. 
The same student who tells me they since their financial aid was cut back and they can not afford to buy the textbook.
The same student who tells me outright they can not afford to buy the textbook since they do not have an extra $225 for it.
Yet they can afford a $1.8 million dollar outside consulting contract to develop a plan for higher education in Connecticut.  I could have done that in one sentence-educate students so they have marketable job skills and education to become gainfully employed. 
I also wonder why they there were no pay or benefit cuts to any of the high ranking Connecticut education bureaucrats that rule our state college and university system?  But we can make sure the students can cough up more in tuition and user fees along with less financial aid.  Let us make those who can least afford it pay more and more while high ranking Connecticut education bureaucrats continue to feast at the never ending trough of yet higher salaries and benefits.  It is elitism at its best.
I have taught for thirty three years now.  It saddens me to see how students are treated in 2015 in Connecticut by their high ranking Connecticut education bureaucrats.  My students deserve better.

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Malloy's Options-Blame, Blame, Blame

And it is more of the same, blame, blame, blame.  Play the blame game with Dannel Malloy and Hartford's Omnipotent One Party Rule.
Blame Indiana.
Blame Republicans.
Blame middle aged white men.
Blame past administrations.
Blame the economy.
Blame Bush.
Blame everyone and anyone.
But do not blame Dannel Malloy and Hartford's Omnipotent One Party Rule.
Even though they are responsible for a lack of leadership and a lack of plan to address Connecticut's worsening fiscal crisis.  Dannel Malloy and Hartford's Omnipotent One Party Rule are responsible for the worsening economic situation in Connecticut.  No one else.
I blame Dannel Malloy and Hartford's Omnipotent One Party Rule.
I blame Dannel Malloy for traveling around the country making a fool out of himself while Connecticut's economic crisis grows by the hour.
He has truly outdone himself with a travel ban to Indiana-better yet can he ban himself from traveling all over the country and his cronies to save the state money?
I assume that will never happen.  Dannel Malloy and Hartford's Omnipotent One Party Rule rule with an iron hand.  And is shows daily here in our lost economic state.
Dannel Malloy and Hartford's Omnipotent One Party Rule will keep blaming until they are out of office.  Which for taxpayers can not come too soon.