Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Tonight's Debate: Round One

Round One.
I am amazed that Mr. Malloy has agreed to seven count them seven debates with Mr. Foley.
I am not amazed that United States Representative Rosa DeLauro will not debate Candidate James Brown.  We all know it is beneath DeLauro to tell the people she supposedly represents where she stands on issues.
Round One of Malloy and Foley should be very interesting.  It is not being televised.  And I am curious as to how Malloy will come out and defend his horrific economic record for the next three months.   I am wondering how Malloy is going to defend the pay for play programs of corporate welfare that his administration has embraced.  I am wondering how Malloy is going to defend any of his actions of the past four years.
Taxpayers of Connecticut have been forced fed the same rhetoric, more and higher taxes, more and higher spending solve all of our problems.  And all the same problems of four years ago are still here today in 2014.  High taxes, economic stagnation, economic turmoil, young people continuing to flee the state, corruption and deception.  That is the record of Mr. Malloy and Hartford's Omnipotent One Party Rule.
Round One should be a knockout for Mr. Foley based on his opponent's nightmare of an administration.
Now on to Round Two.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Another Connecticut Taxpayer Funded Corporate Welfare Payment

I am wondering when the State of Connecticut will start offering tax incentives for people moving from one town to another in Connecticut?  We do it already with businesses moving from one town to another in the state so why not people?
The latest round of taxpayer funded corporate welfarism can be seen in a business that is moving all the way from New Haven to North Haven.  A mere $1.77 million more dollars of taxpayers monies is on the line for C.W. Cowles company to move its plant from New Haven all the way to North Haven where it purchased the old Marlins Firearms Building.  50% of the loan is forgiven if the company can retain the 117 jobs it currently has and creates 59 new jobs (which are the jobs it is bringing with them from closing their plant in East Longmeadow, Mass.)  Thus $885,000 plus of the loan will be forgiven with these jobs that being moved.  How is that creating new jobs when the jobs are just being moved from one location to another?  How is this helping our economy when the plant is being moved roughly seven miles away from its current location?  Taxpayers are paying this company $15000 for each job that has been moved from one location to another.  And if the company goes under who foots the bill for the loan?  Taxpayers of course.
Hartford’s Omnipotent One Party Rule and the Malloy Administration still feel they are creating a business friendly climate in Connecticut.  We have one of the highest tax rates in the country and realistically one of the worse business climates in the country.  What state do Hartford’s Omnipotent One Party Rule and the Malloy Administration live in?  We as taxpayers have no more information being given to us about the businesses that have failed in our state that were given these same types of loans and benefits.  Nor are we allowed to know under Hartford’s Omnipotent One Party Rule and the Malloy Administration.  The taxpayers of Connecticut work for Hartford’s Omnipotent One Party Rule and the Malloy Administration-there really is no representation for us.  I wonder how much in campaign donations will be forthcoming from the C.W. Cowles after this deal? 

More of the same, winners versus losers-state government using taxpayer monies pick who wins and who loses.  Taxpayers have lost many times over the past four years of Hartford’s Omnipotent One Party Rule and the Malloy Administration.  Mercifully Hartford’s Omnipotent One Party Rule and the Malloy Administration should be coming to a close this November.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Now The Real War Begins In Connecticut.

Now the real war begins in Connecticut.
Economic reality versus economic fantasy.
Fiscal restraint versus tax and spend.
Debt addressed versus more and more debt.

Now the real war begins in Connecticut.
A fight for the state's future.
A fight to preserve the state's past.
A fight for the state's present.

Now the real war begins in Connecticut.
Do we really want four more years of the same failed policies?
Do we really want  four more years of the same pay to play?
Do we really want four more years of Hartford's Omnipotent One Party Rule?

Now the real war begins in Connecticut.
Is this the true record that the Malloy Administration is running on?
The highest tax increase in the state's history?
Followed by the highest long term debt the state has ever seen?

Now the real war begins in Connecticut.
Governor Foley
Lieutenant Governor Somers
And a balance between both parties in the State House and Senate.

Now the real war begins in Connecticut.
Are we willing to live in Connecticut in the future?
Are we willing to vote for a badly needed change?
Are we willing to fight to save Connecticut this November?


Thursday, August 07, 2014

James Brown For Congress In Connecticut's Third District

I wonder if anyone has told Rosa DeLauro to drop out of her re election race like she has told Gubernatorial Candidate Jonathan Pelto?  Just a thought?  Maybe it has been a long 23 years that she has been in office achieving what I do not know for the Third Congressional District here in Connecticut.
James Brown is running against her for this seat in Congress.  And from what I have been reading about him he is offering the voters and taxpayers of our District a true choice this November.
Mr. Brown has offered many different thoughts and ideas on the serious issues of our economy, country and District.  Contrary to the DeLauro robo-calls that we receive from her, Mr. Brown has offered a solid and logical platform to the voters and taxpayers he will represent.
I especially like his solution of our out-of-control federal spending by offering no new spending bills along with small spending cuts to begin the process of addressing the current $17 trillion dollar plus National Debt.
Mr. Brown also offers alternatives to the overpriced and bureaucratic Obamacare program which was fully endorsed by Rosa DeLauro.
He favors Congress making laws again not by Presidential fiat and a major simplification of our economically irrational tax code.
Taxpayers need a Representative who will work for them not the same stale failed policies which force us to work for our Representative as we have today in 2014.
This is his website
I know my family and friends will be voting for a  new Representative in Congress-James Brown, in the Third Congressional District here in Connecticut.