Thursday, February 28, 2013

Let Us All Sequester! Let Us All Cut Spending!

Let us all sequester.
Let us all cut spending.
But do not cut my federal budget-raises taxes instead!
The economic stupidity taxpayers listen to every day.

I guess with coming sequester, the Federal governments supposed $80 billion dollars plus in cuts will amazingly impact our entire nation in every program, every job in every program and everything our government does.  A mere 2% cut in spending will impact a multi-trillion dollar budget in this manner is astounding economic news to me!  If a 2% cut is going to do that much damage why don't we try 5 or even a 10% cut in spending-actually a 2% cut  is what the Obama Administration did to every American who works for a living through higher Social Security taxes that went into effect this January.  So why can't they cut 2% and be done with it?  Politics at its best.  Especially since there is no compromise allowed with the Obama Administration on any piece of legislation.  Especially with the budget and the lack of it by the Senate.

Let us all sequester.
Let us all cut spending.
But do not cut my federal budget-raises taxes instead!
The economic stupidity taxpayers listen to every day.

The Federal government can not sustain a $16 trillion dollar National Debt.  Nor can it tax its way out of each and every budget deficit it creates.  Federal spending, fraud and waste needs to eliminated immediately for our country to survive economically.  However this falls on deaf ears in Washington.

Let us all sequester.
Let us all cut spending.
But do not cut my federal budget-raises taxes instead!
The economic stupidity taxpayers listen to every day.

The time has come and passed to cut spending, cut waste and cut fraud out of our government.  Maybe just maybe it is time to actually see economic leadership for once in Washington.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

New Tolls, More Taxes, More Spending=Connecticut's Mantra

More taxes.
More spending.
New tolls.
Higher deficits.
Higher unfunded liabilities.
More of the same.

It seems to me that Hartford's One Party Rule is economically challenged.  It continues the same failed theories and policies.  More taxes, more spending and higher deficits.  Add to that now new tolls which will further cripple our state economy.  The economic logic astounds me.  Especially since there never any mention of a austerity and budget cutting package introduced by Hartford's One Party Rule.  The Democratic party is truly economically challenged in our state.

More taxes.
More spending.
New tolls.
Higher deficits.
Higher unfunded liabilities.
More of the same.

So what is the solution?  It is simplistic but will not be allowed by Hartford's One Party Rule.  Spending across the board needs to be cut by 8-10%.  State employment needs to be reduced on both sides of the aisle, both in management and union employees.  Business taxes need to be reduced to attract new businesses, industries and jobs to the state.  Austerity measures across the board need to be implemented immediately down to the saving of even one penny at this time.  Will this ever happen?  No especially since State employee retiree medical benefits have increased by a mere 1395% since 1990 according to a recent CBIA report.

More taxes.
More spending.
New tolls.
Higher deficits.
Higher unfunded liabilities.
More of the same.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Governor's Economic Nightmare

I wonder if Governor Malloy actually lives in Connecticut?  I know he travels a great deal at taxpayers expense and really wonder if he lives here.   After reading his budget proposal and actually trying to understand it, I think I can summarize it with two words: economic nightmare.
There is a one billion dollar budget deficit.  Spending is increased.  Taxes are raised again at a local level with the supposed elimination of the property tax on vehicles.  Along this same tax cut your state income taxes also go up due to the elimination of the vehicle property tax credit.  And when all the smoke clears we still have a one billion dollar budget deficit.  Along with $80 billion dollars in unfunded liabilities.
Economic nightmare courtesy of Hartford's One Party Rule.
Are there any economic priorities coming out of Hartford?  I really do not see any.  There are the usual amount of new and improved bills which are there to control yet another aspect of our lives or take away another personal freedom.  Feel good legislation is always there, substance legislation does not exist.  Spending continues unchecked and in actuality there are no checks and balances to our state government.
Economic delusions.
Economic problems.
Economic debacle.
Welcome to Connecticut, please do overstay your time here.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Let Us Spend More, Let Us Tax More, Let Us Borrow More, Let Us Have Four More Years Of An Economic Debacle

Let us spend more.
Let us tax more.
Let us borrow more.
Let us have four more years of an economic debacle.

The Obama economic solutions to every problem is simplistic in nature.
It is:

Let us spend more.
Let us tax more.
Let us borrow more.
And it has failed our economy more and more.

Those who work and pay taxes in our economy are apparently not doing enough to help solve the Obama economic debacle now in the fifth year.  The National Debt has increased almost 60% over the past four years.  Real wage growth is non existent.  Twenty three million Americans are out of work.  Millions more have given up trying to find work at all.  Unemployment compensation costs are staggering to businesses and state governments. Our work force participation rate is at an all time low.   And the Obama economic debacle plan is to force more out of work with a $9 an hour minimum wage along with yet even newer and higher payroll taxes.  We can no longer spend taxpayer's monies that do not exist to any level of prosperity.  Inflation is right around the corner with the irrational Federal Reserve policies of creating valueless money out of thin air.  The actual costs of Obamacare will be staggering to our economy.  The list of irrational economic policies is endless.  The economic grandstanding continues.

We need to advance sensible economic policies in our economy.  Government at all levels has proven time and time again that it is ill equipped to solve economic problems.  The massive size of government at all levels  has created economic harm.  The path to economic growth and economic freedom is to make government at all levels smaller.  A contraction in its size would help to lower spending which would in turn lower taxes.  Less governmental jobs at all levels.  Gone will be the days of $150,000 a year do nothing managers for example.  And gone will be the current economic debacle that our country has turned into.  We need less government not more.
But instead we have more spending, more taxing, more borrowing, more, more more.  To me it is a bleak economic future.

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

The State Budget-Much Ado About Nothing

A famous politician once said "We have nothing to fear but fear itself", he was also a liberal Democrat.  Here in Connecticut and echoing from the bowels of Hartford is fear.  And we as taxpayers and businesses need to fear it.  The fear comes in the form of Mr. Malloy's new budget.  As in typical lobbying, egotistical and economically irrational pomp and circumstance we will hear of all of these supposed budget cuts, shared sacrifices, and even new and higher spending for pick a program any program.  We will see yet even higher state spending and down the road even more state borrowing, more and higher taxes and yet even more unfunded liabilities which have been kicked down the road.
Oops.  But it will become another Governors problem in a few years.
What is another $200 million for corporate welfarism in the guise to bring more "biotech jobs" to the state.  What is another $1.5 billion for UConn?  What is another an additional $152 million over two years to the Education Cost Sharing grant?   We are looking another mere $2 billion dollars being borrowed with what will amount to be more failures and more taxes.  With no results.
The economically draining One Party Rule in Hartford's game plan has grown stale.  It is just more economic rhetoric.  We will hear of this great budget.  And we will continue to read Connecticut being last in all so many economic categories.
One Party Rule in Hartford's game plan continues to lose the game daily here in Connecticut.

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Connecticut's Economic Depression

In my economic opinion Connecticut is in an economic depression of its own making.  For many years now the irrational economic policies of Hartford's One Party Rule have taken a great economic toll on the state.
We have seen a mass migration of taxpayers, citizens and our youth flee the state over the past twenty years.  We have seen a constant increase in taxes in our state.  We have seen our jobs base erode severely.  We have seen state social welfare spending increase dramatically-plus an addition 800 more non profit agencies helping those in need in the state.  We do not develop business or industry in our state.  Excessive taxation, excessive workers compensation costs and a failed transportation infrastructure will not attract business even with Hartford's One Party Rule brand of corporate welfarism in place.  We have a massive amount of long term unfunded liabilities - $80 billion dollars and growing - with no end in sight.

We are in a Hartford's One Party Rule economic depression.  A depression made by government that is purely irrational in economic terms and policies.  Guess what- Hartford's One Party Rule economic policies do not work nor will the Malloy state budget work either.  More spending, more taxes, more debt and deficits.  Hartford's One Party Rule owns it.