Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Brother Can you spare me $500 billion dollars?
You see my family and I lived within our means. We did not buy a house we could not afford with no money down, with a no interest mortgage for five years, with no income verification, and with a high real estate commission. No, we are still in the same house trying to make ends meet.
We try not to overspend since we know we must pay our bills on time, and must save for the future. We know energy costs especially for heating oil have gone up 50% since last season thus we must budget for that also. We know what a budget is and that we must have enough income to offset our expenses each month. We do not live in a fantasy world that has been created in our economy by greedy mortgage/banking lenders, greedy real estate salespeople and uneducated and or greedy home buyers. The financial markets tried refining financial garbage and make a profit on it.
No we as a family live within our means.
I also resent the State of Connecticut spending $50 million of our tax money to bail many of these people out. Let the market correct itself and possibly let government regulators who are supposed to examine these mortgages do their job correctly.
The sub prime mess will cost our economy in my economic opinion $500 billion dollars or more. Taxpayers will be forced in some way (as seen in the Connecticut example) to subsidize this greed. I resent that. Greed over a poor investment decision will cost us all and many banks will walk away from this untouched. This debacle was not necessary.
Therefore, Brother Can you spare me $500 billion dollars? I really want my family's share. Now.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
The Wallingford Mayoral Election Heats Up!
Then there is also a mention of Community Lake ... since 1979. How critical is that for the town's future? Bringing back Community Lake is more of a luxury for tax payers than a necessity.
What about "The building on Rt.5 which has been in foreclosure since 1989?" There are several environmental cleanup issues at that location resulting in a stalled resolution to that problem.
What are the Lucille for Mayor solutions to all of these issues? I do not see any in her copy cat flyer I just received. It's easy enough to say we need long range strategic plans but what are they?
I think in Wallingford everything is going well because our community is governed by people who care and by a Conservative, non-egotistical Mayor who puts the town's needs first over any form of political glory (glory in my opinion just waiting for it to happen by the other two candidates). I have taken a second look at what's going on in Wallingford and I still like what I see. I will again vote for Mayor Bill Dickinson and the Republican candidates for Town Council and Board of Education. Real leadership for Wallingford.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Will Chris Dodd go home?
I am still confused why our illustrious Senator Dodd is running for the Presidency. I know somehow he has gotten elected for many years as both Representative and Senator, (with a great deal of help from weak and ineffective Republican candidates who have run against him) but really what has he done to help our state? I am still trying to figure out when was the last time he sponsored some sort of meaningful tax reform legislation and or spending cuts which could be passed onto working middle class citizens which inhabit our state. You see I am tired of Senator Dodd and his Democratic party’s redistribution of wealth programs. I am tired of a social welfare system has he has championed for years which has done nothing other than keep money out of the hands who truly need it and create generation after generation of welfare recipients. And I am really tired of his constant glorification of Latin and South American leaders who rape their countries and promote their form of dictatorship (in particular Castro).
Maybe it is time for Chris Dodd to come home, to forget about rewriting the history of his disgraced father and retire once and for all from public service.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Dickinson for Mayor in Wallingford
Monday, August 20, 2007
The Sub Prime Mess or Who's Mortgage Is It?
So what happens now is after paying on a mortgage with 0% interest for one, two or however many years all of the sudden the consumer sees a greater interest rate along with a much higher mortgage payment each month. Property taxes also shoot up. Energy prices shoot up. People lose their jobs. Income in some cases is not even verified. Real estate values have started to decline (in my economic opinion they were overvalued to begin with) and guess what-that home worth $225,000 is now only worth $175,000 and the consumer still owes $250,000 on it.
I think that you may be able to start seeing the problems that are happening. Each segment of the market is starting to blame the other. Economic education was not even thought about in educating consumers whether or not they could realistically afford that mortgage.
Now the problem is how to resolve it. It can only be resolved through the basic laws of supply and demand in both the real estate market and the credit markets. People will lose their homes and mortgage companies will be going out of business, it is the reality of the situation. Political answers such as throwing more money into this market will do nothing to resolve it. If it is too good to be true than it is should be the result of this fiasco. Realtors, mortgage companies and consumers who have signed for these loans all should share the blame. You can also interject the word greed in this equation also. Sub primes will be gone soon enough and logic will return to this market.
Friday, August 03, 2007
Our crumbling highways, oh well!
Is there any solution? Obviously the cry will be greater taxes to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure because there just seems never to be enough money appropriated for the politics of our highway/road system. However, higher taxes will not solve the problem. Maybe here in our state politics could be put aside for a little while and we could force accountability so that we do not see a bridge fall here. Maybe taxpayers and users of our highway/road system deserve better. Maybe state officials could actually do the job they a re paid to do. What a concept.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
The Failed Connecticut State Legislature
Nothing was accomplished for any of us who work for a living here in Connecticut. We are still the highest taxed states in the country. We have one of the highest gasoline and diesel taxes in the country and the beauty of it is that the money does not even go to maintain our crumbling and failed highway system in the state.
If a person breaks a law whether they are Democrat or Republican shouldn't they be punished? In this assembly they have placed themselves above the law. Ethics violations in both parties is now the norm with no repercussions for the violators. And the list goes on and on.
Taxpayers need to analyze what happened in this legislative process and view how poorly we are represented in Hartford. In my opinion we have no representation in Hartford. I again call upon a recall election immediately in order to clean out these inept politicians and also a referendum on the state budget allowing those who are paying for this mockery to be able to vote whether we accept it or not. Our state legislature is broken beyond repair and needs to be fixed immediately. Why do taxpayers need to continue to pay for this ineptness called state government?
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Are Both Parties For Real?
The two state budget tax and spending proposals are shocking, outrageous and ill timed-do any of our elected officials realize we are already the highest taxed state in the country? Our tax freedom day is now May 20th, the longest in the country!
I would really like to know when Connecticut will have Taxation with Representation again. What a pathetic government.