Saturday, August 05, 2017

August 5 and No New Connecticut Budget

Not much new here in Connecticut.  A new concession package did little to resolve any of the current issues of salaries, benefits and pensions as the agreement locks in the current excessive union salary, benefits and pensions spoils system until 2027.  I do not understand the point of this secretly negotiated concessions package as it did little to resolve the issues in salaries, benefits and pensions.  All it did was to kick the problem down the road ten years from now or sooner if Connecticut becomes bankrupt.
The budget still has a  $3 billion dollar deficit that the Connecticut Democrat Party wants to resolve with much higher sales taxes and new city sales taxes since they are going to cut municipal aid for state mandated programs, services and teachers pensions.  You will also see massive property tax increases for most cities and towns since these state cuts for mandated programs, services and teachers pensions have to be replaced.  The new city sales tax will be yet another cumbersome tax that remaining state businesses that are impacted by will have to deal with.
And we still do not have a budget.
The entire budgetary process has been a comical display of the Omnipotent Connecticut Democrat Party protecting their spoils and patronage system.  And they have said to the remaining Connecticut Taxpayers that no reforms will be forthcoming for at least ten more years and pay more taxes to support us.
I am personally sick of the Connecticut Democrat Party and its political patronage and spoils system.
I also believe that most of the remaining Connecticut Taxpayers are also sick of the Connecticut Democrat Party and its political patronage and spoils system.
I am also believe that Connecticut is on the path of fiscal insolvency and unlimited short and long term debt.
I also believe that we need to start all over again in creating a new state government and state constitution since our current government disregards the rule of law.
Enough is enough.  The Connecticut Democrat Party and its political patronage and spoils system has ruined Connecticut. 

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