Sunday, October 23, 2016

Wallingfortd's 85th District Needs A New State Representative Republican Serge Mihaly

Republican candidate Serge Mihaly for State Representative in Wallingford’s 85th District is a man of beliefs, convictions and principals.  He is not afraid to speak his mind and express his opinions.
He is running against Representative Mary Mushinsky in Wallingford’s 85th District.  She is the same Representative who has voted for every tax increase since she has been in office and she has been in office a mere 36 years now helping to oversee the complete economic dismantling of our state economy.  She voted for the Utopian State Income Tax, the supposed cure all for all of Connecticut’s economic woes.  That really helped didn’t it?  That is the real record she is running on Election Day, tax and spend and tax spend even more with no end in sight.  Why does she deserve another two years in office to continue to inflict more economic hardship on the taxpayers of the district with her never ending tax increases that she supports with a budget that never balances?
Candidate Mihaly is not part of the Omnipotent One Party Rule Of Hartford.   He represents taxpayers not the political elite who run Connecticut. It Is Time To Take Back Connecticut In November.  And what better way than to replace the tired and economically ineffective policies of career Democrat politician Mary Mushinsky than with the crisp and new effective economic policies of Republican Serge Mihaly.
Vote Serge Mihaly for State Representative in Wallingford’s 85th District in November.

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