Saturday, January 17, 2015

What Is The Point? I Could Write About?

I do not know what is the point?
I could write more about the Dannel Malloy and Hartford's Omnipotent One Party Rule continuing, never-ending budget deficits.  These are the same deficits that did not exist during the campaign according to Dannel Malloy and Hartford's Omnipotent One Party Rule.
I do not know what is the point?
I could write more as the deficits continuing to climb while tax revenues especially for Connecticut's secret 8.1% gross earnings tax on gasoline collapse.  And at the federal level our economically challenged  Junior Senator Murphy wants a higher federal gas tax for highways.  I just wonder where all the money went from all of the gas taxes paid at the state and federal levels?  And we have a horrific highway system especially here in Connecticut.
I do not know what is the point?
I could write about all of the unfunded mandates here in Connecticut that place our towns and cities into economic stress.  For example in Wallingford an unfunded $20 million upgrade to the wastewater treatments plant to process new stormwater treatment requirements.  Who is going to pay for that-taxpayers of course.
I do not know what is the point?
I could write about a lot of things.  I do not know what is the point?  Especially living in an age where our political system has developed into a privileged class exempt from rules and laws and allowed to become rich at the taxpayer's expense all the while blasting those who work hard and are productive in our economy.  And then asking for their political donations to keep them in power ad infintum (to infinity).  Ironic isn't it? But then again isn't that the point?

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