Sunday, November 02, 2014

Sunday's Thoughts About Election Day-Vote Republican

In Connecticut there seems to be two worlds, one of economic reality and one of economic fantasy during this election.  The economic reality is being shown by Republican candidates especially for those brave individuals who are running for State Representative and State Senator.  For example Frank Apuzzo who is the Republican candidate for Wallingford State Representative has presented a clear and concise economic platform for voters.  His opponent the economically stale and in office for 34 years now Mary Mushinsky represents Hartford's Omnipotent One Party Rule economic fantasy of the state economy. Taxpayers serve Hartford's Omnipotent One Party Rule and have been for many years now.  A voter could argue with great validity that they are not better off from her first term in 1980 to today.  In fact many of those same voters and taxpayers she supposedly represents have moved out of Connecticut over the past 34 years.  The erosion of the state's economy has been happening for many years now and is not letting up.  Frank Apuzzo has the new economic ideas which are essential to prevent Connecticut from being ranked at the bottom number 50 out of 50 states in all economic categories.
On the State Senate side I wish I could vote for Republican candidate Len Suzio of Meriden running in the 13th Senatorial District.  Mr. Suzio has led by example in his previous term as State Senator and has been unyielding in his desire to repeal the irrational and deadly early prisoner release program.  I am curious if one of Hartford's Omnipotent One Party Rule family members were killed by an ex prisoner who came out of this early release program how fast the program would be eliminated?  Mr. Suzio has the economic and business experience to help develop legislation to get Connecticut's economy moving again.  He is also a great choice for voters in this district. 
Connecticut's two economic worlds could become one of economic hope on Tuesday November 4th by voting for the State Republican teams in this election-from Tim Herbst to Tom Foley-to Frank Apuzzo to Len Suzio.  Economic hope versus more economic stagnation and despair nurtured by Hartford's Omnipotent One Party Rule.  Which do you want on election day?

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