Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Tired State Of The Union

Our State of the Union is very tired.
Five years now of the same, more government will resolve all of our problems.
More laws, more taxes, more of the same.
If Mr. Obama does not get what he wants then he will use his executive order supposed powers-why bother with the United States Constitution now and why bother with Congress which has the legal power to pass laws?
Nothing was said new last night, just as a reminder to the President he has helped create great economic inequality in his five years as President.
Funny no mention of Obamacare and the nightmare it has created for many Americans.
Funny no mention of the NSA spying scandal.
Funny no mention of the IRS investigations of conservative groups.
Funny no mention of Benghazi.
Funny no mention of our out-of-control National Debt.
Our State of the Union is very tired.
Five years now of the same, more government will resolve all of our problems.
More laws, more taxes, more of the same.
More and more rhetoric with the never ending campaign to nowhere.
Three more long years of America's economic nightmare continuing unabated.  By a President totally ill equipped to lead our country.
I truly hope our country can survive.

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