Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Let Us Spend More, Let Us Tax More, Let Us Borrow More, Let Us Have Four More Years Of An Economic Debacle

Let us spend more.
Let us tax more.
Let us borrow more.
Let us have four more years of an economic debacle.

The Obama economic solutions to every problem is simplistic in nature.
It is:

Let us spend more.
Let us tax more.
Let us borrow more.
And it has failed our economy more and more.

Those who work and pay taxes in our economy are apparently not doing enough to help solve the Obama economic debacle now in the fifth year.  The National Debt has increased almost 60% over the past four years.  Real wage growth is non existent.  Twenty three million Americans are out of work.  Millions more have given up trying to find work at all.  Unemployment compensation costs are staggering to businesses and state governments. Our work force participation rate is at an all time low.   And the Obama economic debacle plan is to force more out of work with a $9 an hour minimum wage along with yet even newer and higher payroll taxes.  We can no longer spend taxpayer's monies that do not exist to any level of prosperity.  Inflation is right around the corner with the irrational Federal Reserve policies of creating valueless money out of thin air.  The actual costs of Obamacare will be staggering to our economy.  The list of irrational economic policies is endless.  The economic grandstanding continues.

We need to advance sensible economic policies in our economy.  Government at all levels has proven time and time again that it is ill equipped to solve economic problems.  The massive size of government at all levels  has created economic harm.  The path to economic growth and economic freedom is to make government at all levels smaller.  A contraction in its size would help to lower spending which would in turn lower taxes.  Less governmental jobs at all levels.  Gone will be the days of $150,000 a year do nothing managers for example.  And gone will be the current economic debacle that our country has turned into.  We need less government not more.
But instead we have more spending, more taxing, more borrowing, more, more more.  To me it is a bleak economic future.

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