Thursday, February 28, 2013

Let Us All Sequester! Let Us All Cut Spending!

Let us all sequester.
Let us all cut spending.
But do not cut my federal budget-raises taxes instead!
The economic stupidity taxpayers listen to every day.

I guess with coming sequester, the Federal governments supposed $80 billion dollars plus in cuts will amazingly impact our entire nation in every program, every job in every program and everything our government does.  A mere 2% cut in spending will impact a multi-trillion dollar budget in this manner is astounding economic news to me!  If a 2% cut is going to do that much damage why don't we try 5 or even a 10% cut in spending-actually a 2% cut  is what the Obama Administration did to every American who works for a living through higher Social Security taxes that went into effect this January.  So why can't they cut 2% and be done with it?  Politics at its best.  Especially since there is no compromise allowed with the Obama Administration on any piece of legislation.  Especially with the budget and the lack of it by the Senate.

Let us all sequester.
Let us all cut spending.
But do not cut my federal budget-raises taxes instead!
The economic stupidity taxpayers listen to every day.

The Federal government can not sustain a $16 trillion dollar National Debt.  Nor can it tax its way out of each and every budget deficit it creates.  Federal spending, fraud and waste needs to eliminated immediately for our country to survive economically.  However this falls on deaf ears in Washington.

Let us all sequester.
Let us all cut spending.
But do not cut my federal budget-raises taxes instead!
The economic stupidity taxpayers listen to every day.

The time has come and passed to cut spending, cut waste and cut fraud out of our government.  Maybe just maybe it is time to actually see economic leadership for once in Washington.

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