Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Connecticut's Economic War

Connecticut has an economic war. It has been going on for years. It is a war that pits those who work, run businesses in our state and pay taxes against a one party ruling elite.
It is an economic war that features outrageous economic claims by a elitist Governor as far as a balanced budget. It is an economic war that features the highest tax rates in the country. It is a war that features economic illiteracy versus free economic markets. It is an economic war that features a waste of valuable state resources such as our youth fleeing from living here. It is an economic war that features being one of the worse states to retire in. It is an economic war that features 10% of all state spending now pays for interest on borrowed money. It is an economic war that has billions in unfunded future state liabilities.
Can we win this economic war? Not with one party rule in Hartford. A continuation of one party rule further creates the economic chaos we have in our state. Thus, the economic war continues ad infinitum (to infinity).

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