Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Bysiewicz-Blumenthal-What Is A Title Anyways?

I could have saved a great deal of money in lawyer's fees if I had known that Susan Bysiewicz represented me for all the years she has been a Secretary of State. For the closings, and all the other areas of legal issues that I had I forgot just to give her a call. She was actually representing me and as such I did not need to pay all of those fees for the past 11 years, she could have handled it all (and I am sure at no charge also). Stupid me.
The Connecticut Democratic party has shown even more so how out of touch it is in governing with this ridiculous waste of taxpayers monies now for Bysiewicz and her political goals. It is bad enough they have a horrendous and inept Senatorial candidate in Richard Blumenthal and his liberal/anti business views coupled now with a non lawyer wanting the highest legal job in the state. What a farce of government.
A Republican tide is brewing in our liberal, anti-business, highly taxed state. Maybe sanity can be restored come November.

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