Friday, November 07, 2008

It Is Time To Get To Work

It is time to get to work. It is time for the conservative movement to reassert itself for the coming elections. It will not be able to do it with the current leadership of the Republican party whether at the national or state level.
On a national level the Republicans showed that Governor Sarah Palin is a candidate of the future and Senator McCain's moderate liberalism is hopefully gone forever. Governor Palin by far was the best of the four candidates running for high office.
The state elections showed the rational ignorance of Connecticut voters by eliminating our ability to have a say in our government by voting down the constitutional convention (in which many voters did not understand what they were voting for) and giving the liberal Democrats one party rule in Hartford so they can continue to tax and spend. Voters will get what they deserve over the coming years.
There needs to be a conservative philosophy which the Republican party needs to embrace and enact upon. We need to rid ourselves of the Stevens, the Rowlands, and all of the other self serving politicians who have spread like a cancer in our party. We need to embrace ethics, smaller government, lower spending, lower taxes and to allow for the free market system to run without governmental intervention. We can and we shall take back our party. If we are not successful then now is the time to form a true Conservative party as an alternative to the two stale and inept political parties who once again have shown their disregard for the voters and taxpayers this past week.

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