Friday, May 16, 2008

Why Must Corruption Pay In Connecticut?

Why must corruption pay in Connecticut? Why must taxpayers be forced to pay retirement benefits for those state workers and politicians who are corrupt, break the law and are convicted? Why has it been so difficult for the State Legislature to pass a meaningful law which is retroactive to take away these benefits to corrupt state employees and politicians? Has the function of state politics become so inept and corrupt that there is actually a debate on the level of corruptness and in the level of benefits that must be mandated to pay these same corrupt workers and officials? I am truly lost with this debate and it shows the amazing level of arrogance and disregard that our state legislature has for the taxpayers of this state. Again I urge voters to vote these legislators out of office in November. What a waste of taxpayers monies and what a waste of a debate for all. If you have been convicted you have forfeited your rights and benefits-why is that so difficult to understand?

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