Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Repeal the Secret Gross Earnings tax in Connecticut

Enough is enough. $3.54 a gallon for fuel oil? $4.04.9 for diesel fuel at the pumps? A major heating oil company goes under as its bank pulls its line of credit (obviously this bank had too much in sub prime loans to write off). How high will energy prices go in our state? My answer is the sky is the limit.
We also see there is absolutely no movement by our elected officials to repeal Connecticut's secret gross earnings tax on fuel. Why should they? What a windfall this tax is - a mere 7.52% on most fuels, millions of dollars going to the state, what is better than that? With no accountability. Might as well get all you can off of energy consumers.
Thus all consumers of energy in our state will continue to be crushed under the weight of excessively high electric rates, irrationally high gas prices and obscene diesel and home heating oil prices. An energy induced recession.
What is the solution? In Connecticut it is government just taxing us more and in turn out of control state spending for the special interest groups that rule our state. What is better than that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had just become aware of the amount of tax on fuel oil and I am very angry. You pointed to the fact that this was a tax that the public was not aware of and I agree. Something should be done to bring this to the attention of the public as soon as possible.