Friday, March 14, 2008

Higher taxes here we come! Thank you Democrats

I guess the Democrat party has always and always will love taxes. Prosperity by those who work for a living to this party is bad and should be abolished by taxing people to death. I am surprised there has not been much reaction to the incredible amount of higher taxes we will pay if the Democratic plan to end President Bush's tax cuts goes into effect. Reading several figures which range from $500 to $648 billion in higher taxes from this plan, I wonder how this will actually pay down the budget deficit and stimulate the economy? Again it passed with no mention of proportional decreases in governmental spending (earmarks anyone?).

So we have more of the same by Congress, excessive spending, new and greater pork earmarks and higher taxes. My final question is then why are we going to reelect any of these politicians back into office in November? Why are they bankrupting our country's economic future for their own self interest?

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