Friday, February 08, 2008

Does Connecticut really have two parties? Or are we governed by a Democratic/Republican Unified Party?

Does Connecticut really have two parties? Or are we governed by a Democratic/Republican Unified Party? Are all members of the General Assembly and the Governor now Demoblicans?

I was amazed after trying to figure out from the Governor's State of the Union speech what it all meant.

Here are some simple figures-since Fiscal year 2004 state spending has increased a mere $4.2 billion dollars. With this new budget it now increases spending by another mere $800 million dollars. We have increased spending in a four year period from $13.5 billion dollars to over $18.5 billion dollars for this year. For a state the size and population of Connecticut, why are we spending this much?

Over $3.5 billion has been the amount of surpluses since that time also. Thus we as taxpayers have been overtaxed a massive amount over the past 4 years. Yes Hartford a tax surplus means you are overtaxing us and to a large degree.

As an economist and a Republican I can not figure out how this budget actually showed fiscal restraint. It has showed the taxpayers of our state that we will see more of the same, high taxes, excessive governmental spending and a total disregard for taxpayers both on a personal and business level. More of the same. Welcome to Connecticutax led by a uniparty, the Demoblicans.

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