Sunday, January 27, 2008

Who am I going to vote for in the primary? Mitt Romney

Who am I going to vote for in the primary? Mitt Romney. I have spent a great deal of time debating who will I vote for in the upcoming Republican primary. I have read over a great deal of information on Ron Paul, John McCain, Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani. I see that each candidate has some strong points and some weak points. My concern is when election time comes in November I truly fear either a Clinton or Obama administration, with all of the problems that will be forthcoming from either candidate(higher taxes, weak foreign policy, poor economic decisions). Thus I must look at who can win in November for the Republicans. Again the more I have read about the candidates and in particular their economic platforms, I have decided to vote for Mitt Romney and see him as being the best candidate to lead our country in 2009. Romney's call for the elimination of the dreaded capital gains tax for certain taxpayers is essential for our long term growth and well being. He in my opinion, seems to represent the most dynamic economic candidate that we can offer our electorate. And in 2009, we will see that the economy will be the most important issue facing our country. We can ill afford a Democratic Tax and Spend President which will be forthcoming from either candidate. Their concept of change is more of the same, tax and spend to infinity. My change will come from my vote for Mitt Romney.

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