Thursday, November 02, 2017

Vote Yes For Wallingford Charter Revision On November 7th

I was a member of the Wallingford Charter Revision Commission.  I was proud to be part of this bi-partisan commission that was appointed to bring up to date this legal document of Wallingford.  Although we may have disagreed on some points the debate among the commissioners was always civil and respectful of each other and was non political in nature.  In 114 motions made by the Commission, the Commission was in unanimous agreement on 107 of the 114 motions.  This is 94% of the time we were in agreement.  The Commission made this Charter up to date and went through it line by line, page by page in an attempt to remove outdated, repetitive language, unnecessary language, created gender neutral language and in my opinion improved personnel policies.  It was a complete and exhaustive process of updating our Town Charter.  I read the Charter numerous times and gave serious thought to the letters, suggestions and comments from the public, town officials and legal department in regards to the suggested changes made.  I feel that the entire Commission gave deliberate, honest, and earnest thought to what was presented and completed the task to the best of our abilities.
We offer to the voting public an opportunity to keep Wallingford moving forward with this revised and up to date Charter document.
Please Vote Yes for Charter Revision.

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