Saturday, June 17, 2017

Connecticut Does Not Have A Budget

Oh well Connecticut doesn’t have a budget.  A special session has to be called and paid for by Connecticut Taxpayers to resume the secret and public budget negotiations that apparently now include the Republican Party members of the Legislature.  The situation is critical, as Connecticut’s debt grows daily.  Thus what is the solution?
Governor Malloy who crafted two of the largest tax increases in the states history has stated he is ready to run the state without a budget.  All this does is increase the states short-term debt, as it must borrow more money to pay for the day-to-day operations of the state.  Is he crafting now the third largest tax increase in the states history?
There are the constant discussions with labor union for more concessions.  I have heard little as to any concessions from management state workers to help out in this crisis.  For example why our Judges entitled to a full pension after serving for five years?  Why hasn’t the management pension structure been discussed?  Why hasn’t the management salary and benefits structure been discussed? 
Why does the only discussion fall upon raising existing taxes and or creating new taxes for Connecticut Taxpayers?
The Republican proposal addresses some of the issues that the state is facing economically.  It receives little analysis from the states media and seems to be brushed over as not a realistic solution.  The Connecticut Democrat Party now wants bipartisanship on the budget after seeing how their solutions have failed the state and is very worried about their chances for perpetual reelection in 2018.
Thus there continues to be a stalemate.  One side wants more and new taxes versus an overhaul on both union and management salaries, benefits and pensions that are no longer sustainable.  Each side fighting for their stale rhetoric while Connecticut Taxpayers continue to flee the state.  Connecticut is failing while our elected officials posture themselves for their next political payout.
Thus what is the answer?  Connecticut Taxpayers are longing for some coherent leadership to emanate out of Hartford.  For this Legislative session we again see the name calling, union talking points, passing the blame, economic illiteracy and largesse for both union and management workers that define our state government.
I guess again nothing changes for Connecticut Taxpayers who fund this debacle.
It Is Time To Take Back Connecticut In 2018.

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