Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Malloy's Options-Blame, Blame, Blame

And it is more of the same, blame, blame, blame.  Play the blame game with Dannel Malloy and Hartford's Omnipotent One Party Rule.
Blame Indiana.
Blame Republicans.
Blame middle aged white men.
Blame past administrations.
Blame the economy.
Blame Bush.
Blame everyone and anyone.
But do not blame Dannel Malloy and Hartford's Omnipotent One Party Rule.
Even though they are responsible for a lack of leadership and a lack of plan to address Connecticut's worsening fiscal crisis.  Dannel Malloy and Hartford's Omnipotent One Party Rule are responsible for the worsening economic situation in Connecticut.  No one else.
I blame Dannel Malloy and Hartford's Omnipotent One Party Rule.
I blame Dannel Malloy for traveling around the country making a fool out of himself while Connecticut's economic crisis grows by the hour.
He has truly outdone himself with a travel ban to Indiana-better yet can he ban himself from traveling all over the country and his cronies to save the state money?
I assume that will never happen.  Dannel Malloy and Hartford's Omnipotent One Party Rule rule with an iron hand.  And is shows daily here in our lost economic state.
Dannel Malloy and Hartford's Omnipotent One Party Rule will keep blaming until they are out of office.  Which for taxpayers can not come too soon.

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