Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Tonight's Debate: Round One

Round One.
I am amazed that Mr. Malloy has agreed to seven count them seven debates with Mr. Foley.
I am not amazed that United States Representative Rosa DeLauro will not debate Candidate James Brown.  We all know it is beneath DeLauro to tell the people she supposedly represents where she stands on issues.
Round One of Malloy and Foley should be very interesting.  It is not being televised.  And I am curious as to how Malloy will come out and defend his horrific economic record for the next three months.   I am wondering how Malloy is going to defend the pay for play programs of corporate welfare that his administration has embraced.  I am wondering how Malloy is going to defend any of his actions of the past four years.
Taxpayers of Connecticut have been forced fed the same rhetoric, more and higher taxes, more and higher spending solve all of our problems.  And all the same problems of four years ago are still here today in 2014.  High taxes, economic stagnation, economic turmoil, young people continuing to flee the state, corruption and deception.  That is the record of Mr. Malloy and Hartford's Omnipotent One Party Rule.
Round One should be a knockout for Mr. Foley based on his opponent's nightmare of an administration.
Now on to Round Two.

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