Friday, June 14, 2013

Connecticut- Famous For Economic Lasts

Connecticut and Hartford's One Party Rule should be proud of all of the categories that we rank last in and near the bottom of 50 states economically.  With the new budget which is an economic nightmare and unsustainable we should have a few more lasts in the near future.
Here is the record that Governor Malloy and Hartford's One Party Rule will run on in 2014:
One of the highest workers compensation costs in the country-Rank 49 out of 50 states
Worse state in the country to retire in.
$49,000 per citizen debt burden, one of the highest in the country
Ranks last in the country in credit quality.
Last state in the country to achieve Tax Freedom Day-May 5th.
Dan Malloy a "F" grade on Fiscal Policy from the Cato Institute.
Educational achievement gap in public education is the worse in the country.
Highest fuel taxes in the country beginning on July 1.
Third highest overall tax burden in the country.
One of the worse road and bridge infrastructures in the country.
Last in economic growth in the country with a falling gross domestic product for 2012.
Near last in job creation.
Massive population decline over the past 20 years.
$60-$80 billion dollars in unfunded liabilities.

Please remember this is the record that Governor Malloy and Hartford's One Party Rule will be running on in 2014.  This is the Democratic party's record for 2014.
Maybe just maybe it is time for a change.

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