Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday's Economics-Government Must Spend Less

It is a simple concept, government at all levels must contract and spend less money. A great deal less money. Our Federal government must develop a plan to pay off the National Debt, the debt continues to drain our credit markets and rips economic growth from our economy. I am glad to see a mounting movement towards the debate on the national debt. I personally have been lecturing about it in my classes since the first semester that I taught in 1982. The National Debt needs to be paid off. If it was then paid off, we would see incredible economic growth in our economy rather than the looming bankruptcy with a $14 trillion dollar debt.
Connecticut economically is a mess. We hear and see the economic behaviors take place of higher taxes, overpaid non productive political appointments and increased spending. The blame for this economic debacle falls squarely on the Democratic Super Majority. For Connecticut to survive we need to cut taxes to attract new business and industry, a massive cut in state spending and agencies, and a cut in state employee pensions and benefits. It needs to be addressed or we will really go bankrupt.
I reiterate, it is a simple concept, government at all levels must contract and spend less money. A great deal less money. Economic self sufficiency should be a required tool of secondary education. Then we can get back on the right track and see the United States of America and its fifty states, once again a dynamic, economic leader of the world economy. God Bless America.

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