Monday, February 18, 2008

The Democrats Economic Plan or Please Tax Me More.

It seems to me that the Democratic Party whether on a National or State level enjoys raising, creating, adding taxes. Taxes of all shapes and sizes, on all types of products, goods, services, basically anything they can get their hands on. The reason I bring this up is trying to understand the new Clinton economic plan. In my limited reading of it, it seems that corporations are obviously bad and will be punished, more governmental jobs will be created and yes we will see higher taxes. For some reason liberals hate seeing people successful in our economy.
This all ties into the liberal philospohy of dependency upon governemnt. We should only be allowed to make a certain amount of money in our economy while we must digest liberal wealth like the Kerry's, Kennedy's and let us not forget the Clinton's. It is ok for them to create and shield their wealth but not ok for my family to create our wealth.
Thus in November if you choose to vote for either Clinton or Obama good luck. Your taxes will be increased, your economic freedoms lessened, you will work harder. Sorry I will not vote for either and I am sure the majority of working voters will not either.

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